Kevin’s Dudd Position

Kevin’s Dudd  Position! No not a spelling mistake. A deliberate play in order to highlight the nonsense that has come to underpin the whole argument in support of homosexual union by supposed Christians.

Much has been and is being written in regard to the continued push for homosexual union. As a writer, it is sometimes hard to know when to lay the pen down and allow the content to filter through people’s minds. One does not want to bore the readers. However, there is that old adage in regard to the preacher who, having been asked the secret of preaching, responded, “First, I tell them. Then, I tell them again. Then I tell them what I told them!”

In following this principle there will no doubt be repetition. Equally, we hope there will be major differences. At Reformation Ministries, we try to expose the latent ideas that give rise to particular cultural forms. Many people battle against the form and not against the basic idea on which that form is built. The consequence of battling form is that there is always something new. If we destroy the idea, we destroy all forms that would come from it. Think of it this way. One can attempt to kill every wasp they encounter or they could destroy the nest. We want to destroy the nest.

The point! Mr Rudd has come out in support of homosexual union. What to do? His arguments need to be rebuffed because they are typical of those advance by Liberal Christians and seized upon by the pagan’s to bolster their claims. Consequently, Christians need to be made aware of these arguments and they need to be armed against them. This the raises the questions, “What is the best manner to achieve this outcome? In the end, we decided to reprint his reasons in full and add comments on each paragraph. This makes for more reading, but we hope that it be comprehensive and have a greater impact.[1]

To Mr Rudd’s credit, he at least tried to outline his position and give reasons for why he has changed his mind. Most supporters of homosexual union wall themselves behind “bigotry” and claim to be unassailable. In other words, they will not give reasons, they simply make great statements to the effect that “if you do not support … you must be a narrow-minded bigot with a draconian mindset”.

Having Mr Rudd’s reasons in print is helpful. So let us explore them.

 I have come to the conclusion that church and state can have different positions and practices on the question of same sex marriage. I believe the secular Australian state should be able to recognise same sex marriage. I also believe that this change should legally exempt religious institutions from any requirement to change their historic position and practice that marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman. For me, this change in position has come about as a result of a lot of reflection, over a long period of time, including conversations with good people grappling with deep questions of life, sexuality and faith.[2]

          RM: The most obvious deficiency that is immediately apparent is that there is a belief in neutrality. The position espoused essentially believes that both Church and State can simply “agree to disagree” and merrily move on – living happily ever after!

This is most certainly the inane content of fairy tales! Just as Creation and Evolution fight for the same patch of turf, so does the Church and  “Secular” State[3] on the issue of Marriage and homosexual union. There simply is no compromise to be had.

Think this through. The state legalises homosexual union and in so doing exempts the Church from performing such unions. Great! No, not even close. What about the family unit that is central to both Church and State and which, in God’s order, is an institution in itself that must be respected and honoured by the previously mention institutions? The Church gains an exemption in performing a ritual, but will the family be exempt from teaching that homosexual union is not legitimate?

This is but the first movement of the lid on Pandora’s Box. What of the Christian business man? Will he be exempt from employing those joined in such a union because it cuts across his belief? Will the Christian school be exempt? Will the Christian home be exempt? What about Christian advertising on radio, television, and in print? Will I be able to write and publish an article that deposes the whole concept as wrong?

Sadly, these questions have already been answered. The horrendous ‘equality laws’ set in place by successive governments have ensured that no one can raise a voice in opposition to the Government. I am in the process of writing another article with strong words in it and I know that should someone take those words to the “law” I could be in trouble. That is the state of play in this nation today.

Thus, it is absolutely naïve on the part of Mr Rudd to reduce this issue to a mere exemption on the part of the Church.[4] Mr Rudd needs to think long and hard about how this will impact on the individuals and families that make up both Church and State. How do I divide myself? I am a member of society as I am a member of the Church. Must I now have a split personality so that different parts of me can swear allegiance to different institutions? Mr Ruddneeds to think diligently about the practical consequences of what this law means, not for the infinitesimal minority who seek homosexual union, but for the large majority that oppose it.

Then there is the glaring error – What is a Secular State? Whilst the Bible recognises the validity of the State as a God-ordained institution, the Bible knows nothing of this State that rules unto itself. Romans 13 clearly shows that Government is appointed by God as a minister for good. What good? God’s good! In other words, the Government is bound to act by and institute God’s principles and laws. When the Government differentiates between the individual to be praised and the individual to be condemned, the differentiation is to be that revealed by God in His law.

When a Government rejects this paradigm, then it essentially loses its right to govern. At this point the Bible ceases to use the word “Government” and speaks more of “rebels” and “usurpers”. Thus, Mr Rudd is actively promoting the concept of “government without God”. In promoting this position, Mr Rudd is espousing not only that God does not participate in the affairs of men, but that He indeed cannot participate in the deeds of men. The logical consequence is nothing less than a Ruddology which proclaims that there are spheres over which God does not and cannot reign. Omnipotence? Flushed! Omnipresence? Flushed! Omniscience? What is the point? God has been barred by man!

One Saturday morning in Canberra, some weeks ago, a former political staffer asked to have a coffee. This bloke, who shall remain nameless, is one of those rare finds among political staffers who combines intelligence, integrity, a prodigious work ethic, and, importantly, an unfailing sense of humour in the various positions he has worked in around Parliament House. Necessary in contemporary politics, otherwise you simply go stark raving mad.

And like myself, this bloke is a bit of a god-botherer (aka Christian). Although a little unlike myself, he is more of a capital G God-Botherer. In fact, he’s long been active in his local Pentecostal Church.

Over coffee, and after the mandatory depressing discussion about the state of politics, he tells me that he’s gay, he’s told his pastor (who he says is pretty cool with it all, although the same cannot be said of the rest of the church leadership team) and he then tells me that one day he’d like to get married to another bloke. And by the way, “had my views on same sex marriage changed?”.

          RM: Take this in very carefully. Yes, I know he has not said much, but this is important. In these paragraphs you are witnessing the psychological setting. This is the equivalent of the Mills and Boon, “Their eyes met across a smoke filled room…” at which people’s hearts melt, men weep silently in dark corners, and women order bulk packs of tissues online!!

To be a tad more serious, please note the flow. It is coffee. We are with another supposed Christian. Out of the blue comes the announcement about his homosexuality. Then we have the wonderful acceptance by the pastor; but wait, there is more. Then comes the bigoted draconians that form the rest of the leadership team.

Back to the movies. We have just met the enlightened heroes and the bad guys. Now we have to buy our popcorn and watch what is about to unfold. Of course, for those who have seen a few Westerns, the story is over at this point. We know the enlightened hero – good guy – always gets his man and sees to it that the “bad guys” are “done down”.

Now reread Mr Rudd’s opening paragraph. Note the comments toward the end on “including conversations with good people grappling with deep questions of life, sexuality and faith.” See how we have been led. These seemingly innocuous paragraphs have been placed there to emotionally disarm. ‘How dare we oppose these poor people who are such wonderful individuals!’ ‘Such a heinous thing to do when they are struggling with these deep questions!’

More will be said later, but please note Mr Rudd’s authority – his own experience! This gels with Tony Windsor’s back flip on this issue. In his case, he witnessed a ceremony and found it wonderfully moving. Beware when emotions trump morals! Be very afraid when the opinion of the transient individual trumps the command of the eternal God!

As most folks know, in our family I have long been regarded as the last of the Mohicans on this one. The kids have long thought I’m an unreconstructed dinosaur for not supporting marriage equality legislation. And Thérèse just looks at me with that slightly weary, slightly exasperated, slightly pitying “there, there darling, you’ll get over it one day” sort of look, that wives can be particularly good at giving to their antediluvian husbands.

          RM: What does familial opinion have to do with morality? The “antediluvian” concept is a good one. Pre-flood there were many families whose opinions were at odds with God and His law. God’s response was to separate righteous Noah and his family and call everyone else to account through His judgement in the flood.

Very few things surprise me in life and politics anymore. But I must confess the Pentecostal staffer guy threw me a bit. And so the re-think began, once again taking me back to first principles. First, given that I profess to be a Christian (albeit not a particularly virtuous one) and given that this belief informs a number of my basic views; and given that I am given a conscience vote on these issues; then what constitutes for me a credible Christian view of same sex marriage, and is such a view amenable to change? Second, irrespective of what that view might be, do such views have a proper place in a secular state, in a secular definition of marriage, or in a country where the census tells us that while 70% of the population profess a religious belief, some 70% of marriages no longer occur in religious institutions, Christian or otherwise.

          RM: Okay people. Strap in! This is where the ride really begins. Here we come to the crux of the Rudd conundrum – the man is “Christian” in name only! Why does this Christian thing only inform a number of “basic views”? The Biblical position is that God’s man will become an analogue of God, thinking His thoughts after Him. Not just some thoughts, but all thoughts. God’s commands to His people “to be Holy as He is holy” and “to be perfect as He is perfect” are not symbolic of partial surrender or partial commitment. They tell us that all is to be surrendered – “we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ[5]—not just some thoughts!

 Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commands!” Does Mr Rudd really love Jesus, if he will not yield to all or any of His commands? Jesus also says that His commands are not burdensome (Matthew 11:30). Now, I know we have to do a bit of theology here, but it is worth it. Jesus is not just a man. Jesus is God. The Church has believed this from “dot”. Thus, Jesus’ statements mean that the Christian is obliged to all the commands in Scripture and that through our love for God and desire to honour Him we will not find any of His requirements in life or worship to be burdensome. So why does Mr Rudd only insist on a “number of basic views” rather than upon total surrender to Jesus Christ?

Then we come to the conscience vote. Note well, the Australian Labor Party may allow such a vote, but God does not! Mr Rudd is under the delusion that the tenets of Christianity are somehow open to debate. One is not sure where he gained this perverted view, but we are sure it did not come from God’s Self-revelation in the Bible.

Now the absolute crux: “What constitutes for me a credible Christian view…?” Herein is the source of all Mr Rudd’s problems. He is a Humanist! The final arbiter of life and faith for Mr Rudd is none other than “Kevin 07” himself.

Friends, please take serious note of this point. We are constantly subjected to the world’s nonsense that Christians cannot agree; that there is diversity of opinion in the Church, etc, etc, ad nauseum! Please, tell the world to “take a hike.” Please tell them to stop building straw men and either torching them or setting them on gold pillars. I know they will not listen. However, I have an ulterior motive. In your telling them, you will convince yourself and, at the very least, hold them to account.

Sadly, there is an unhealthy diversity today. However, we must realise that most of the diversity comes from travesties. Already today I have read a criticism of something put out by the Australian Christian Lobby. Who did the news people go to for criticism? That is right, the Uniting Club (I refuse to call it a church)! This apostate, perverted, hell-procuring organisation has been allowed to strut its evil for too long. When will the True Church condemn this organisation and shun it rather than dialogue with it – what fellowship has light with worthless fellows?[6] I digress slightly, but the point remains – it is the World that chases worldly opinion in the guise of truth!

Here, the world is utterly hypocritical. If the world hates the Church, why ask for its opinion on anything or from anyone?[7] Not possible. They must muck rake and divide, even to the point of citing those that they know have no real credibility. Our shame is that we have not repudiated the false institutions and sought by prayer and action to expose them. Thus, this canker has been left to infect our land and to give fodder and ammunition to the World.

Friends, it is time to regain the concept of “speaking the truth”. Truth spoken in love is still truth. If our perception of love alters the message, then we neither speak in love or with truth. This is the delusion of our age.

In regard to this point, understand and proclaim that Kevin Rudd is an outright Humanist. He wears the appellation “Christian” in name only. There is nothing in his life, speech, or conduct that would lead us to believe that Kevin Rudd is a saved, Bible believing Christian. In fact, there is much evidence to the contrary – evidence from his own mouth and pen.[8] Being an unconvinced Humanist, change is possible. Opinion can meander and waver precisely because it is not founded upon the eternal rock that is Jesus Christ.

Being a Humanist, Mr Rudd then moves on to muse regarding the place of certain Christian ethics in a secular state. Again, this belies the true position of his mind. Mr Rudd does not affirm God’s revelation in Romans 13, which says that the State is a minister of God for good and that as a consequence the State must be subject to God in all things. Rather, he divorces the State from God’s jurisdiction. Therefore, Mr Rudd has declared that, as a consequence of his position, God has nothing to say on law, theft, murder, rape, justice, family, taxation, property ownership, etcetera, etcetera. Why? God has now been confined within the walls of the local church.

It is this constant refusal by Mr Rudd, throughout this article, to acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ that belies his Humanistic heart. Man reigns in Mr Rudd’s worldview, not God. Man governs, not God. If God is allowed any space, it is to be found in the Church alone – and then, only with the permission of the State!!

Lastly, we are confronted by the dreaded “statistic”. What do these numbers prove? Really, they are inconsequential. As we noted above, this is more of the world’s hypocrisy. For 40 years the governments of this land have attacked both Marriage and the Family. They have eroded, undermined, sabotaged, and torn at the Biblical model. Now, surveying the mess they have created, they use statistics to prove that our culture seems to be turning away from God! Wow. Move over Nostradamus. Here comes Kevin 07!!

As we have said many times already, we are at the point of considering and pushing for homosexual union precisely because the true essence of Marriage and the purpose of the Family have been destroyed by successive governments. Homosexual union and interspecies union are but the end result of a destructive rampage against the ordinances of God. Is this not what Romans 1 explicitly teaches? Homosexuality is God giving man to his rebellious desires as a judgement. The prevalence and acceptance of homosexuality in our community and a community being forced to accept it, shows that we are a Judged people.

These statistics are but the result of a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’, properly “nightmare”. These rulers have sought to throw off the imperative of God. Having partly succeeded, they now quote the results of their own handiwork as a means of inspiring others to complete the work they have begun.

The Christian tradition since Aquinas is one based on a combination of faith informed by reason. If the latter is diminished, then we are reduced to varying forms of theocratic terrorisms where the stoning of heretics and the burning of witches would still be commonplace. In fact if we were today to adhere to a literalist rendition of the Christian scriptures, the 21st century would be a deeply troubling place, and the list of legitimized social oppressions would be disturbingly long.

          RM: Again we face Humanism. Aquinas was a humanist. Note the small “m”. Aquinas built his epistemology on Rationalism. In other words, he worked from reason to faith. This was in direct distinction to Augustine who admitted that revelation was necessary in order to know.

Given this, I am not in the least surprised that Mr Rudd has sided with Aquinas. The problem with this position, and one from which Rome still suffers, is that “reason” ends up effectually trumping “faith”.[9] Whilst I believe absolutely that Christianity is “reasonable”, that is, it can be defended to the reason, this is not for what Mr Rudd is arguing. Rather, he is stating that any claim in the Bible must be validated by human reason in order to have veracity and potency. In this scheme, every word of God must be verified by man. Only with man’s sanction will it be granted assent. The catch is that man can then withdraw his assent and the word of God falls.

As Mr Rudd moves on to rail against certain Biblical standards, he effectively shots himself in the foot. His argument revolves around the changing standards within a culture and how the acceptability of those practices change. If this be any argument, then we have to disavow the “rule of law” and become fully fledged anarchists. If change is inevitable then we cannot be found to be making any concrete laws or decisions, for tomorrow a new opinion may prevail.

Why did people condemn Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Jack the Ripper, and the like? Were their actions morally reprehensible or was it simply the case that society at that time was not enlightened enough to accept their actions? If Mr Rudd be correct, we must accept and affirm the latter.

At present, we are talking of homosexual union. Let’s talk paedophilia, pederasty, incest, bestiality! Now, the mockers will come out and ridicule. However, if we are in an ever changing democracy where less than 2% is the number needed to demand society capitulates to your demands, then why should I be mocked? All is possible and all must be accepted on this ever changing scale of human reason.

At heart, Humanism is nothing more than a continual state of flux. For this reason, it makes for a poor master, poor law maker, poor guide, and a poor ethic. I mean to say, do we really believe in a system that is as fragile and fickle as politicians changing their mind because of one conversation over a cup of coffee?

It is precisely for this reason that we need an objective standard which does not change! It is for this reason we need the “mind of God” as it is revealed in the Bible.

Relativism is a failure in each and every circumstance. Who else should Mr Rudd have a cup of coffee with so that opinion would once more change? It seems we need to invent a new word – Coffeearchy! The rule deduced while drinking coffee.

Yet, this is not the low point in this paragraph. That chord is struck when Mr Rudd calls God a “terrorist”. His choice of the phrase “theocratic terrorism” is poor at best, but is instructive in that it once more shows us the workings of his mind. In Mr Rudd’s view, God is not the Sovereign of the universe whose every word and edict is to be obeyed – In fact, one would be right to question if Mr Rudd would even bend to acknowledging the existence of God as revealed in the Bible. His comments lean in the Liberal direction; in which the historicity of a “supreme being” is denied and man is left to judge the ethics of the book left by this possible, but probably non-existent, being.

Mr Rudd’s position parallels the Marcionite heresy.  Marcion took to the Scriptures with a pair of scissors. Among his reasons for so doing was the concept that the Bible revealed two gods – One from the older Testament: gruff, harsh, judgemental, intolerant, and demanding. One from the newer Testament: loving, gentle, accepting, tolerant, and embracing. More of this will come to light, but for now, please note that if you believe that “heretics” or “witches” should be stoned or burned, then you are placed in the same category as a mad bomber carrying out the plans of the insane.

Therefore, the clear implication is that if you, as a Christian, believe in obeying God and implementing that obedience in our culture, you are the terrorist acting out the malevolent plans of the theocratic one. So the questions that spring immediately to mind are these: Is not a Christian a disciple of Christ?[10] If Christ is one with the Father and there is no division in the Godhead, why does Mr Rudd reject Christ’s rule?[11] If Christ is not only God, but also to be found in the pages of the Old Testament working with and for God, how does Mr Rudd drive a wedge between Old and New Testament?[12] If Mr Rudd wears the name “Christian” and claims to be a disciple of Christ, who came to show us and reconcile us to the Father, how does he reject the Father’s rule in Christ over his life? Simply put, ‘How does one claim to be a disciple of Christ and then question or flatly deny the teachings of the Master?

In closing out this paragraph, I am lead to question the wisdom and logic displayed by Mr Rudd. If Christian principle were rightly enacted today, I am sure our world would be a better place. I am afraid that the 21st century is a “deeply troubling place” laced with all kinds of “social oppressions”, Mr Rudd! Most of these troubles have come from denying God and His wisdom and then seeking to replace that wisdom with the ideas of men.

Slavery would still be regarded as normal as political constituencies around the world, like the pre-civil war American South, continued to invoke the New Testament injunction that “slaves be obedient to your masters” as their justification. Not to mention the derivative political theologies that provided ready justifications for bans on inter-racial marriage and, in very recent times, the ethical obscenity that was racial segregation and apartheid.

          RM: Oh dear! – and this man was our Prime Minister!! Much could be said at this point, but we will be brief. Slavery is Biblical, but only in certain, well defined circumstances. One such is that a slave may choose to stay with his master.[13]

A little known fact about the USA at the time of the Civil War is that there were slaves in the North. Another little known fact is that some of the slaves in the South chose to be slaves. Another little known fact was that some men did much to help those slaves. These facts are little known because we simply do not want to acknowledge that the Civil War was about “governance” and not slavery.[14]

Once more, sadly, we see that ignorance reigns supreme. There is an absolute failure to distinguish between what Christianity teaches and what is claimed in the name of Christianity. The world’s hatred of Christ is seen here. A Muslim blows up a plane and he in no way reflects the religion he represents. Kevin Rudd et al claim to be Christians, all evidence to the contrary, and Christianity is blamed for every heinous crime committed on the planet.

It might also be worth pointing out that William Wilberforce, the champion of Abolition, took up the charge after he was converted. In other words, it was his Christianity that moved him to work toward the abolition of slavery! Equally, one might ask Mr Rudd for a dissertation on what the heathens, pagans, secularists, and humanists were doing at this time. Who ran the slave ships? Who profited from slavery? Are we to believe that this enterprise was wholly and completely run by Christians? If so, why did Wilberforce not find more ready support for Abolition?

Similarly with the status of women. Supporters of polygamy would be able to justify their position based on biblical precedent. Advocates of equality would also have difficulty with Paul’s injunction that “wives should be submissive to their husbands” (As a good Anglican, Thérèse has never been a particularly big rap for Saint Paul on this one). The Bible also teaches us that people should be stoned to death for adultery (which would lead to a veritable boom in the quarrying industry were that still the practice today). The same for homosexuals. And the biblical conditions for divorce are so strict that a woman could be beaten within an inch of her life and still not be allowed to legally separate. 

          RM: Here, Mr Rudd introduces us to the very reasons that the “21st century “IS” a deeply troubling place”! In a stroke, Kevin has affirmed his belief that man governs the Word of God. If it is not man, then it is culture. At any rate, God is not sovereign and His Word is not authoritative.

Now to the claims. Yes, polygamy is in the Bible. Yes, people could use this precedent to justify polygamy.[15] However, is this the point? Not on your nelly!! If we are to act only on Biblical precedent, rather than upon Biblical command, then we would have to say that all kind of evils are acceptable.

The Bible mentions murder, rape, theft, child sacrifice, regicide, tyranny, false witnesses, dishonest gain, unjust weights and the list goes on. Are we then to see that all of these should be accepted in our day?

Even if we look at things that displeased God, but which He did not take action against, then we are still on shaky ground. David lived after his sin with Bathsheba. Paul lived after killing Christians. Solomon took no action against the prostitutes. Manasseh lived after murder and idolatry. Judah lived after his interaction with Tamar.

On this basis, God does not care concerning murder, adultery, false worship, semi-incestuous affairs, or child sacrifice. Yet, if we search the Scriptures, we will most definitely find that God does care and has spoken out against each one.[16] Thus, we follow the Biblical command, not an implication or a precedent.

Many other things could be said. At this point, however, we would simply reinforce the fact that Mr Rudd has absolutely no respect for the Bible as God’s authoritative Word. In this paragraph, there is not even an attempt to salvage a “time honoured” principle form amongst the Biblical wreckage. No, it is all culturally irrelevant.

The last comment comes in the form of “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people[17] and “Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.[18]

If we disregard God’s order and God’s command to abide by that order, then absolute disgrace is our final destination. Mr Rudd decries the atrocities wrought in the name of Biblical Christianity, but what of the atrocities caused by the rejection of the Biblical command? How much hurt comes through divorce? How many divorces result from adultery? How much adultery exists because women are not subject to their husbands? How much adultery exists because men do not “love” their wives “as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for Her?”

The want of conformity to God’s law is sin. The transgression of God’s law is sin. Sin is a disgrace! Yet, our former Prime Minister seems to think and believe that “sin” is better than “righteousness”. He once more outthinks God by declaring some more Ruddology – Sin exalts a nation and righteousness is a disgrace!

As I pen these words, I fear! I fear for our nation. Yet, at the risk of sounding a tad weak, I pity and fear for Kevin Rudd and his soul and the souls of his family. As I write, these words echo in my mind: “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished. “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and so teaches others, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:17-20).

Jesus’ opinion was that these laws meant something. Jesus believed these laws to have validity. Yet Mr Rudd would annul them. Mr Rudd would teach us all that these commands are superfluous. Thus, Mr Rudd is setting himself upon a terrible course in which his name shall be least. However, I must confess that Mr Rudd’s tenor throughout this piece makes me wonder if he shall be called “least”? As it stands, I fear that his name will not be called at all!

The point is that nobody in the mainstream Christian Church today would argue any of these propositions. A hundred years ago, that was not necessarily the case. In other words, the definition of Christian ethics is subject to change, based on analysis of the historical context into which the biblical writers were speaking at the time, and separating historical context from timeless moral principles, such as the injunction to “love your neighbour as yourself”.

          RM: H. Y. P. O. C. R. I. S. Y. = His Yawing Personal Outlook Compromises Religious Instruction Says Yahweh! or Help Yourself Positions Often Change Readers Instruction Select subjectivelY!

The Liberal position never ceases to amaze. These people do not want to recognise the authority of the Bible except for when they want to recognise the authority of the Bible! Mr Rudd has constantly denied the right of God or His Word to speak, but now, “Behold!” the Bible has “timeless moral principles”, which we are to obey!

Pray tell, what makes the injunction, “love your neighbour as yourself” a timeless classic as opposed to, “Have no other gods before me”, “Do not commit adultery”, “Wives submit to your husbands”, and “homosexuality is an abomination”?

I ask this because the text from which Mr Rudd quotes has a context. In short, these words are surrounded by other words that give that text meaning. In this case, these other words are very significant. Quoting from Matthew 22:37-40, we read:

And He [Jesus] said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ “This is the great and foremost commandment. “The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.

In this passage, Jesus affirms two statements. Jesus notes that on these two statements “the whole Law and the Prophets” depend. How is it then that we highlight one statement as truth forever and dismiss the other as cultural nonsense? How is the “great and foremost” commandment dismissed as cultural gobbledygook and the second promoted to the status of timeless morality?

Imagine you have a picture that has two hanging points. In your wisdom, you decide to only use one. What happens? The first and most obvious issue is that the picture will not hang straight. Your wall will look unorganized as this picture dangles at some precarious angle. The second issue is that it will only be a matter of time before the picture falls catastrophically to the floor, as it is not secured properly.

This is the modus operandi of Mr Rudd. He has placed upon his wall, for all to see, a crooked hanging that threatens to fall. If he will not admit his folly and rectify the situation, he must invent reasons to explain the crooked picture.

Matthew’s text is explicit. God’s timeless words are hung at two points. You simply cannot disregard one or pick and choose between them. In order to love your neighbour you must first love God. If you do not love God, then you will never truly love your neighbour.

Please also note that the Law and the Prophets “depend” (literally “hang”) on these statements. If we opt for the summary of God’s law, we must of necessity be arguing for all the law. If we are arguing that “love for neighbour” is a “timeless moral” imperative, then we must also assert that man is compelled to “love God” as this too is a timeless imperative. This then leads us to affirm that we must love all that God has commanded us for we cannot separate God from His morality.

G. E. Veith has this to say: The moral content of the Bible is part of God’s revelation of himself because he, personally, is a moral being. God’s righteousness is manifested not only in his ineffable goodness but in his requirement that we too be righteous. …The Bible teaches that God is transcendent … and that morality is transcendent. Morality is grounded in the character of the sovereign deity, whose laws are above all individuals and cultures. In the Bibles, even the king is accountable to God’s moral Law. Thus the prophets come before kings and, bearing God’s Word, denounce them for oppressing the widows and orphans and for other acts of personal and social immorality.[19]

Presently, we come to the true affirmation, God is God! He is the absolute Sovereign whose right it is to command all men everywhere to obey His Law and His statutes. We must affirm that, this being true, God’s principles are not culturally subjective[20], democratically avowed[21], individually chosen[22], or humanly changeable[23].

Against this particular Christian norm, and its secular moral corollary of “do no harm”, and, in particular, “do no harm to others, especially the vulnerable”, we have seen a range of social reforms over the decades where traditional, literalist biblical teachings have been turned on their head, often with the support of the churches. Including relatively recent legislative actions by Australian legislatures to decriminalize homosexuality. And much more recently, under my Prime Ministership, action to remove all legal discriminations against same sex couples in national statutes including in inheritance, taxation, superannuation, veterans affairs, family law, defence housing, Centrelink, child support, health insurance, citizenship and aged care.

          RM: Key here is the Humanist revision. “Love your neighbour as yourself” becomes the Humanist’s “do no harm, especially to the vulnerable.” These two are not equal.

Anyway, my real question is: Mr Rudd, if your timeless moral principle is “do no harm, especially to the vulnerable”, why did you not stop abortion? Surely they are most grievously harmed and they are most certainly vulnerable!

H.Y.P …!!!

Which brings us back to same sex marriage. I for one have never accepted the argument from some Christians that homosexuality is an abnormality. People do not choose to be gay. The near universal findings of biological and psychological research for most of the post war period is that irrespective of race, religion or culture, a certain proportion of the community is born gay, whether they like it or not. Given this relatively uncontested scientific fact, then the following question that arises is should our brothers and sisters who happen to be gay be fully embraced as full members of our wider society? The answer to that is unequivocally yes, given that the suppression of a person’s sexuality inevitably creates far greater social and behavioural abnormalities, as opposed to its free and lawful expression. 

          RM: Here, we encounter the straw man. What is “abnormality”? Once more, we encounter the use of an emotive term in an effort to disarm. Homosexuals love their mothers. Homosexuals pay taxes. Homosexuals engage in charity work. How dare we label them as abnormal!

As stated, this all depends on your concept of what constitutes an abnormality.

Homosexuality is abnormal because it is dissolution of and rebellion against God’s design. What God designed was a man who was both male and female. These he brought together to form the family. In doing this, God equipped each man, male and female, with the gifts and abilities to fulfil each role. That is God’s design. Adam and Steve or Eve and Bev, simply do not meet the criteria. Thus, homosexuality is an abnormality.

As to this supposed science, room simply does not allow a full discussion. Suffice to say, science requires a “faith” position. If you begin with the presupposition “God does not exist” then it is little wonder that your science will produce results that do not accord with God’s revelation.

I am not a wrap for psychology or psychiatry for both seek to explain man apart from God and apart from sin. Hence, the wrong foundation leads to a wrong conclusion. Thus, much of the supposed science justifying homosexuality comes from sectors that are interested in maintaining “mental health” and ensuring “positive self-esteem”. Consequently, they seek to eradicate moral norms that would affront the sinner and his sinful behaviour. The guilty conscience is supposedly alleviated by decriminalising or “de-guilty-fying” the practice.

To highlight the absurdity, think of the murderer and the paedophile. Both feel guilt. The Biblical answer is true justice and true repentance. The modern scientific answer would be to decriminalise these acts, shift the blame away from the individual to another factor, and thereby help the person to feel better.

Lastly, we look at simple happenings. A homosexual is converted to Christ and gives up homosexuality. A transgender male, post reconstructive surgery, realises that he has a soul and that he cannot deny who he is regardless of the façade, and goes back to living as a man. Twins, one straight the other homosexual. So much for “being born that way”!

Provocatively, on the “being born that way” thing, we must ask, ‘How long will it be before we accept bestiality, paedophilia, polygamy, pederasty, rape, and “incest” on the same principle? Moving on from sexual expression, at what point will we define murder, kleptomania, road rage, bag snatching and burglary as crimes driven by a gene?

Which brings us to what for some time has been the sole remaining obstacle in my mind on same sex marriage – namely any unforeseen consequences for children who would be brought up by parents in a same sex married relationship, as against those brought up by parents in married or de-facto heterosexual relationships, by single parents, or by adoptive or foster parents, or other legally recognised parent or guardian relationships. The care, nurture and protection of children in loving relationships must be our fundamental concern. And this question cannot be clinically detached from questions of marriage – same sex or opposite sex. The truth is that in modern Australia approximately 43 per cent of marriages end in divorce, 27 per cent of Australian children are raised in one parent, blended or step-family situations, and in 2011-12 nearly 50,000 cases of child abuse were substantiated by the authorities of more than 250,000 notifications registered. In other words, we have a few problems out there.

          RM: In a lucid moment, Mr Rudd notes a central truth. The “welfare of children” is tied inextricably to the “questions of marriage” and it most certainly cannot be “clinically detached” there from. Sadly, however, the insight is weighed down and muddied by the continuing insistence that “marriage” can be multiform – to the point of travesty – and still somehow meet its goal.

The absolute joke is that the goal of marriage was instituted by God Himself. Tragically, we are once more confronted with hypocrisy. The God-deniers do not want or accept the form of marriage that God instituted, but they want to claim that the goal of marriage – or part thereof – is still valid. Denying the form, they seek the goal. How can this be?

God is concerned for the welfare of children. That is why He made man male and female, brought them together in unity and instituted the family as the vehicle by which this protection and nurture would be forth coming. The simple reality is that you cannot change the form without drastically altering the outcome.[24]

God, if you will, instituted both marriage and family as a womb in which children would be protected, nourished, and nurtured. The modernists, with their penchant for abortion, now tear the womb of family open, spilling its content to the harsh, cold ground. Standing back they look at the bloodied contents; battered, soiled, shivering, and then make great proclamations about how marriage fails and how other forms could do as well, if not better.

Yet, this question is never answered – How does a homosexual become a parent? Forget Christianity for a moment. Let’s talk evolution. Even from an evolutionary stand point, homosexuality is doomed to fail. The two same-sexed people do not carry the components necessary to breed. Thus, by the standard of evolution, homosexuality is barren, infertile, and, therefore, futile.

Given this futility, the homosexual must turn to adoption, children from a previous heterosexual relationship or to another form of immorality to even produce the children that would constitute a family. So why are we even having this conversation? God says it is abnormal and futile behaviour. Evolution says it is abnormal and futile behaviour. Yet, within our society a noisy minority continue to argue that this futility be legitimised, legalised, and sanctioned as a child producing and nurturing unit!!

We commented on the “dreaded” statistic previously. Here, all we would seek to do is ask that you think cautiously about these statistics. Mr Rudd is quoting large numbers to pull at the heart-strings. We would state openly, one case of child abuse is one too many. The problem is here summarised: 1. What definition of “abuse” is used by the modernist? 2. How many of the reported abuse cases came from marriages and how many from subsequent marriages, de facto relationships, “shack-ups”, or some other travesty? 3. How many of these statistics include Elizabeth Taylor? Confused? Don’t be. Think here of divorce statistics. Taylor was married 8 times to seven men (only one dissolution through death). The world record holder has said “I do” 23 times. So, if these two ladies are in these statistics, the figures are skewed. You have 2 women for 30 divorces. The questions then are: How do such multiples factor into these statistics? and How do such multiples skew the statistics?

Whilst on divorce statistics, we would also ask: What role does our secular State, lauded by Mr Rudd, play in destroying both marriage and family? What impact has the Government’s implementation at law of de facto relationships and no fault divorce had upon divorce rates and the declination in tradition (Biblical) marriage? Mr Rudd was also concerned about the status of rocks in our quarries, should we insist upon stoning adulterers. Yet, we must ask, what impact has not stoning them had upon marriage and its sanctity? What is to stop the philanderer if his actions are neither penalised nor frowned upon?

That does not mean, by some automatic corollary, that children raised in same sex relationships are destined to experience some sort of nirvana by comparison. But scientific surveys offer important indications. One of the most comprehensive surveys of children raised in same sex relationships is the US National Longitudinal Survey conducted since 1986 – 1992 (and still ongoing) on adolescents raised by same sex partners. This survey, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Paediatrics in 2010, concluded that there were no Child Behaviour Checklist differences for these kids as against the rest of the country. There are a number of other research projects with similar conclusions as well. In fact 30 years of research has seen the Australian Medical Association, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Paediatrics and the American Psychological Association acknowledge that same sex families do not compromise children’s development.

          RM: As an ethicist, we are not whelmed by research statistics. For any research statistic to be valid, we need to understand both the presupposition of the researcher, the goal of the research, and the methodology employed.

Let me lighten the mood a little. There was an excellent article in that top research journal, Mad Magazine, which highlighted the flaws present in any research. They had several cartoons as examples. The one that sticks in the mind was on the question of the legitimacy and acceptability of “sex before marriage”. The cartoon parodies the results by looking at the responses from the local “catholic college” and from something akin to the “hippie commune”. Albert E. Newman, may not be a high rating research tool, but the satire illustrates a point.

Then there is a very simple reality. Mr Rudd’s collection of research is not complete. There are other studies that contradict what Mr Rudd is here avowing as well as testimonies that do not agree with the research.

Please go to the Saltshakers website and review the data provided there. Please also look at these two articles. One is from a homosexual who does not want same-sex marriage; I’m Gay and I Oppose same-sex Marriage. The other is from a man raised in a same-sex relationship and is entitled, Growing Up With Two Moms: The untold Child’s View. Neither of these articles are written from a Christian point of view. They are written from the life situation of people who are or who have experienced parenting from a homosexual perspective. We do not endorse all the arguments, but one cannot deny that some of the insights are compelling.

Furthermore, there is the reality of a growing number of Australian children being raised in same sex relationships. Either as a result of previous opposite-sex relationships, or through existing state and territory laws making assisted reproduction, surrogacy, adoption and fostering legally possible for same sex couples or individuals in the majority of Australian states and territories. Furthermore, Commonwealth legislation has already recognised the legal rights of children being brought up in such relationships under the terms of Australian family law. Therefore, the question arises that given the state has already recognised and facilitated children being raised in same sex relationships, why do we not afford such relationships the potential emotional and practical stability offered by the possibility of civil marriage? 

          RM: Friends, read this paragraph well! Here is “the elephant” in the room. Throughout the current debate, much has centred on the definition of marriage. Little or nothing has focussed upon the illegitimacy of homosexuality! In other articles, we have noted that whilst the Parliament voted to retain the current definition of marriage as stated in the Act, the Government has merrily moved on its way and followed its own agenda extending rights to homosexuals. Whilst some mock and scorn such statements, the simple fact is that Mr Rudd has now affirmed this as indeed being the case.

This situation is the weakness in the fortress wall. Every time the Government gives the homosexual lobby another tidbit it strengthens their case to be granted “access-all areas”! Truly, how do we legitimately deny homosexuals the right to marry, if we have already legalised their sexual deviance, allowed them to adopt, and given them equal rights at almost every other point of law? To deny them marriage is to be nothing short of hypocritical.

Consequently, this warning must be given. The only way this battle can be won is to stop focussing on “marriage” and look at the illegitimacy of homosexuality, full stop![25] The Government, through its own immorality and many treaty obligations, have already accepted that homosexuals are equal and entitled to everything. They are simply waiting for public opinion to “catch up”. That is why, within weeks of the vote to maintain the current definition of marriage, the Government was doling out yet more privileges and rights to homosexuals. It is for this reason that many politicians have shied away from the idea of a Referendum on this issue. They realise that it is easier to sway the politician who wants to be re-elected rather than the electorate.

Criticism will come for this statement, but so be it. When you write to your local “pollie” on this issue and you receive a reply which goes along the lines of, ‘homosexuality is great, but marriage is for man and woman’, please write back and tell them to stop being an overt hypocrite.

The battle ground is very simple: Either homosexuality is 100% legitimate and they are entitled to all or it is illegitimate and they are entitled to nothing!

As long as we halt between to opinions we play into the hands of the homosexual lobby. The longer rights are applied to the homosexual, the quicker we will see the realisation of homosexual union in this and other countries.

Finally, as someone who was raised for the most important part of his childhood by a single mum, I don’t buy the argument that I was somehow developmentally challenged because I didn’t happen to have a father. The loving nurture of children is a more complex business than that.

          RM: Having not experienced the Biblical norm, how does one measure whether they missed out on anything? Single parenthood is a truth – especially through death. God’s grace and eye are upon such situations. Hence, the Bible’s many injunctions to care for the widow, the fatherless, and the orphan.

Then there are many modern situations – single parenting by choice or because of divorce. Here, the evidence clearly suggests deficiency. Some years ago a particular person was in trouble for stating that ‘broken home beget broken homes’. The self-righteous media decried the statement, but the evidence is undeniable.[26]

So where does this leave us in relation to the recent and prospective debates before the Australian Parliament? Many Christians will disagree with the reasoning I have put forward as the basis for changing my position on the secular state having a broader definition of marriage than the church. I respect their views as those of good and considered conscience. I trust they respect mine as being of the same. In my case, they are the product of extensive reflection on Christian teaching, the scientific data and the emerging reality in our communities where a growing number of same sex couples are now asking for marriage equality in order to give public pledge to their private love and for each other, and to provide the sort of long-term relationship commitment that marriage can provide for the emotional stability important for the proper nurture of children.

          RM: Yes, this Christian, and many besides, does disagree with your position, Mr Rudd. Neither can we simply submit to your request that we “respect” your position. Luther made the bold claim that our consciences were bound to God’s word alone – Here I stand, I can do no other!

In this tradition we follow. The disrespect is not to do with your sincerity, but with your method. If you held to Scripture, you would be happy to rest upon the very statements of God on this matter. You would not need “science” or the “growing numbers”. You would realise that the One “timeless moral principle” is God Himself. You would realise that man lives “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”. You would realise that when the Sovereign of the universe speaks, we men are to humbly listen and obey.

It is simply not good enough to continually claim to be a “Christian” when every stroke of your pen attacks Christianity and the logic of your argument shows that you have more respect for the “secular”, for “research”, and for “weight of numbers”.

Mr Rudd, you say you are a Christian. A Christian is a disciple of Jesus, the Christ. Let me ask you this, “Where is this Christ and what is He doing right now?”

The Biblical answer is this: “Then comes the end, when He delivers up the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.”[27]

Jesus is not merely waiting in heaven to get the “nod” from His Father. No! He is waging war against God’s enemies. Jesus is making the enemies of God into a footstool – Jesus is making them to submit or He is destroying them!

Who are these enemies? Paul answers in this manner: “But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully, realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers  and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.[28]

The import of this text is very simple. There is that which is in accord with the Gospel and there is that which is contrary to the Gospel. Paul notes that God’s Law clearly places homosexuality in the “contrary to” the Gospel category. Hence, anything in this category is rightly defined as an “enemy of God” and rightly understood as the object against which Jesus the Christ wars.

So then, Mr Rudd, how is it that you claim the title “Christian” and then side with those against whom Christ wars?

It is decision time, and this is stated with absolute sincerity: Mr Rudd, repent of your false position, come out from among them and be separate, devote yourself wholly to Jesus Christ or give up the pretence of Christianity.

Further, under no circumstances should marriage equality legislation place any legal requirement on the church or other religious institutions to conduct same sex marriages. The churches should be explicitly exempt. If we truly believe in a separation of church and state, then the church must be absolutely free to conduct marriage ceremonies between a man and a woman only, given the nature of their current established theological and doctrinal positions on the matter. This should be exclusively a matter for the church, the mosque and the synagogue. It is, however, a different matter for a secular state. The Church must be free to perform marriages for Christian heterosexual couples without any threat of interference from the state. Just as the state should be free to perform marriage services for both heterosexual and same sex couples, and whether these couples are of a religious faith or no religious faith.

          RM: We have touched on this point already. Where is the line to be drawn? The Church is to be exempt from performing such unions. Will the Church be free to preach against such unions? Will the people who make up the Church be free to live out their disdain for homosexuality? Will the Church school be free to change their curriculum to teach against homosexuality?

Methinks not. On what basis? Simple. This is based upon Mr Rudd’s statement above in which he admits that homosexuality has been given equality in most parts of society already. Therefore, there will be no capitulation other than to say that the Church will not be required to marry homosexuals. Outside of this, the State’s law will be unleashed against any who dare infract in any other way.

Comment is also to be made on Mr Rudd’s view that the secular State stands outside of God’s jurisdiction. The parallel here is indeed one commensurate with the sexes. God made male and female to work together under His rule as one for His glory. God did the same thing with the Church and State. Both are ordained of God to abide by His rule and work for His glory. There simply is no division to be found between the Church and the State when it comes to their “terms of reference”. It might be worth remembering that God’s king in Israel was required to write out his own copy of God’s law and to read it regularly.[29] Does that sound like God intended for the State to be free from His rule and Law?

Last, what the State giveth, the State can taketh away! Mr Rudd’s concept is nice in theory, but the reality is that any power or exemption given in State law can also be removed by the State. How long would such an exemption last?

These issues properly remain matters of conscience for all members of the Parliament. Labor provides a conscience vote. The Liberals and the Nationals do not. They should. If they don’t, then we should consider a national referendum at an appropriate time, and which would also have the added advantage of bringing the Australian community along with us on an important social reform for the nation. And for the guys and girls, like the former staffer who came to see me recently in a state of genuine distress, we may just be able to provide a more dignified and non-discriminatory future for all.

RM: Would it be too much to ask for a politician to make a comment without getting political?

Seriously, there is a major flaw present at this point and it has to do with the conscience vote.  We are currently trying to produce another article on the idea of a Referendum on homosexual union, which explores these ideas in more detail. When finished, we will place a link here. Suffice to say two things: 1. Democracy, Republic, or Monarchy, when God has spoken, no one has the right to do other than what God has commanded. 2. If we are to have conscience votes, then give them all the time on every issue and end the nonsense that is Party Politics. 3. If the politician is voting via his conscience, then what happens to the concept that he is representing his constituents?

Then there is the emotional issue. Yes, it is a real issue. However, it is really created by the individual’s choice to rebel against God and His order. Accepting their stand will not remove this inner conflict. Their deep seated unhappiness, the isolation, the ostracising, and the distress are all symptoms of their own hatred of who they are as creatures made in the image of God.

Homosexuals are always wont to blame heterosexuals and Christians for their misery. It is supposedly our unwillingness to accept them that creates all the problems. How is this so today? As we have pointed out, with Kevin’s agreement, the Government has steamed ahead with a raft of measures to equalise the homosexual.

Truth be told, homosexuals have more rights today than the average Christian. Yet one is content, the other is not. Why. Simple. Every time the homosexual looks in the mirror they see a glorious being made in the image and likeness of God. As homosexuals, their one constant is hatred of God and rebellion against God. Therefore, they are like those who indulge in self-mutilation. The homosexual tears at the image of God within themselves. Every clawing only hurts them all the more because they are in fact attempting to destroy the fabric of who they are as a person. Their pain is self-inflicted.

Cessation of pain and distress will come for the homosexual when they abandon their rebellious lifestyle. It will not come with greater indulgence, more rights, or public recognition.

Some will ask why I am saying all this now. For me, this issue has been a difficult personal journey, as I have read much, and talked now with many people, and of late for the first time in a long time I have had the time to do both. I have long resisted going with the growing tide of public opinion just for the sake of it. Those who know me well know that I have tried in good conscience to deal with the ethical fundamentals of the issue and reach an ethical conclusion. My opponents both within and beyond the Labor Party, will read all sorts of political significances into this. That’s a matter for them. There is no such thing as perfect timing to go public on issues such as this.

          RM: Nearing the end of the document there are not many things to focus upon. This paragraph has one interesting assertion, “the growing tide of public opinion”. This has to be one of the biggest falsehood in this whole debate.

Once more, I would direct you to Saltshakers for a look at the numbers. Suffice to say here, that less than 2% of the population in Australia identify with homosexuality. When you look at the hype surrounding this issue, you would think that the number would be twenty times that amount.

It is for this reason that many are shying away from the idea of a referendum. With so few homosexuals, it is by no means certain that Australia would vote for homosexual union. In fact, this author is very much convinced that the opposite is true.

The danger comes from two distinct sources. First, there are many in the modern generation who, being raised on Postmodern ideology, subscribe to a “live and let live” policy. As “Dee” said on a blog the other day, “My generation do not care”. Second, the danger is in the term “growing public opinion”. There are many in our society who simply do not have an idea about numbers[30] and will feel pressured by these statements. They will be made to think that they are the “odd ducks” and that they should fall in line with the majority. Of course, the lie is that the majority do not believe what is claimed.

For the record, I will not be taking any leadership role on this issue nationally. My core interest is to be clear-cut about the change in my position locally on this highly controversial issue before the next election, so that my constituents are fully aware of my position when they next visit the ballot box. That, I believe, is the right thing to do.

          RM: Whilst I have never been a big wrap for Kevin, I would at least like to acknowledge the fact that, whatever his motives, he did take the time to sit down and write this piece. As is obvious, we disagree with the majority of it. Yet, it is a pity that most politicians today do not ever attempt to speak about why they believe a certain thing or have a certain conviction. Most hide behind political speak and silence. Being politicians, they want to know what everybody else thinks before they speak. Thus, intrinsically, our politicians are not leaders, but most definitely followers.

Thus, in sincerity, I do thank Mr Rudd for at least being willing to take the time to give the populace an explanation on his position.

A Summary:

Friends, this article is, to many, no doubt, long and tedious. We hope that you have persisted and made your way from beginning to end. When this issue arose we pondered as to how best to deal with it. We decided that it needed a substantial reply. Not because it came from Kevin Rudd, but because the arguments inside have been the same ones used by theological Liberals for years and these are the arguments seized upon by the World to bolster their position.

In light of this, the decision was made to insert replies throughout the original document so that the Christians of this nation might be adequately armed should they come up against such arguments in the future. Of course, not everything was said that could have been said. Nonetheless, we hope and pray that by exposing the arguments in Mr Rudd’s document, you have been equipped and given confidence to stand against all such false attempts.

The important points:

  • As Christians, God’s Word is our sole foundation. This is our only Authority in all matters of life and faith.
  • Church and State differ in role only. Their mandate is to serve, in their respective capacities, to the absolute glory of God. On issues such as homosexuality, there simply should not be a difference of belief.
  • Consequently, the idea that the “secular state” is removed from God’s Rule and Law is a first rate heresy. Too strong? Then please substitute, “error”. No matter the term, Mr Rudd’s concept is unBiblical.
  • “Political opinion”, “weight of numbers”, “emotional distress” having nothing to do with the statements of an immutable God. God’s Law stands forever. It is ours to obey, not to question.
  • Criticisms concerning the implementation of Biblical Law as “Draconian” and leading to trouble are sheer nonsense. Such statements show the speaker to be ignorant. The West was built on Biblical Law. America was built on Biblical Law. Australia followed suit, although to a lesser degree. We are now crumbling because we have turned away from that Law. We have the words, but we have altered the content. We remember better days, but we cannot recapture them because we refuse to turn back to God.
  • Beware any who claim to be Christian, but who deny those things that the Master has commanded us.
  • In the body of this article I did not touch upon this point, but it is worth remembering. Jesus gave the Great Commission. It was a Commission to teach the Nations to obey Jesus Christ. Mr Rudd would now tell you that such a Commission is now actually an anti-Christian thing. Good Christians let the pagans win! Good Christians remain silent in the public square, no matter what Jesus has commanded them.
  • The term “marriage” is applied to a form. Alter the form, the term no longer applies. Marriage therefore can never be applied to a homosexual relationship.

[1] Shorter replies can be found at Saltshakers and CultreWatch.

[3] More will be said on this. For now, it must be realised that Church and State exist under God and have the same purpose – His absolute glory! Therefore, there should be no difference between the two. The Church should inform the State of God’s standard and the State should implement that standard. Narrator: “And they all truly lived happily ever after because they were blessed of God! The End!”

[4] It would be worth remembering that this issue has come about because of the State’s grab for power. Not so long ago, Marriage was governed by the Church. Now marriages may occur in a church building, but without any authority. I have always hated those words, “by the power invested in me by the State”. Yuck!

[5] 1 Corinthians 10:5.

[6] 2 Corinthians 6:14-18: Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, “I will dwell in them and walk among them; And I will be their God, and they shall be My people. “Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,” says the Lord. “And do not touch what is unclean; And I will welcome you.  “And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,” Says the Lord Almighty.

[7] Similarly, if Marriage is a Christian institution, why do the homosexuals want it? They should simply reject the concept in totality.

[8] Before he was elected Prime Minister, Mr Rudd was asked if he ‘believed in Jesus Christ as the son of God?’ His response was one of obvious frustration and refusal to answer. In this article there are many places that illustrate that his thinking and standards fall outside of those demanded by Scripture. In our discussion, we have not as yet reached some of the aspects that clearly highlight this.

[9] It is also worth noting that with this view comes a false view of faith. Biblically, faith believes the word or promise of God. It is not the conjuring of some mystical power from within, which then gains us credit. In arguments like the one before us we hear of faith, but it is a moveable and shaped thing precisely because faith is conceived of as subjective. Biblical faith does not shift because it believes the Word of the Objective, God.

[10] Acts 11:26

[11] John 10:30

[12] The theology surrounding the “Angel of the Lord” has posited that this being was the pre-incarnate Christ. When looking at the relevant passages, you will see that this Angel possess the qualities of Yahweh and often acts as Yahweh. As an example, read the narrative in Exodus 3 with Moses at the Burning Bush. Note that it begins with the “Angel of the Lord” and moves to Yahweh (see verses 2, 4, and 6).

[13] Exodus 21:5-6

[14] May I recommend to you a DVD entitled, Warriors of Honor. It is essentially a look at the lives and faith of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. However, there are a few short documentaries at the end. One looks at slavery. I am fairly certain it will alter your perspective. This DVD is available from Reformation Ministries. Please email: with requests.

[15] It must also be remembered, of course, that the Bible has some things to say about relationships including polygamy. Read Deuteronomy 21:15-17. God implemented laws to give protection in polygamous situations because He knew it was an imperfect situation. It is also worth noting that polygamy was warned against. The king was told not to multiply wives or they would lead him astray (Deuteronomy 17:17). David’s sin with Bathsheba – multiplying wives! Solomon, wise yet stupid – multiplying wives!

[16] Exodus 20:14; Leviticus 20:4-5; 1 Kings 11:7-8; Jeremiah 32:35; Leviticus 18:15.

[17] Proverbs 14:34

[18] Answer 14. Westminster Shorter Catechism. Westminster Assembly, The Westminster Shorter Catechism, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.

[19] G. E. Veith, Why God Gave Us a Book, (P&R 2011) 16-17. Emphasis added.

[20] Whilst there are cultural aspects to the Bible – a must as it was written in time, space, and culture – we nonetheless can quite easily see those aspects. Neither does such a “cultural” imposition mean that the statute or principle is defunct. For example, we read that houses were to have parapets on the roof. Definitely cultural. We may not build in this manner today, but that does not annul the principle involved, which was to keep people safe and to make sure that innocent blood was not shed. You may find this interesting – God was the first to implement OH&S! See Deuteronomy 22:8.

[21] God’s word is not subject to vote. We as a culture cannot vote to legitimise homosexuality or fornication because God has already spoken against these. Our vote means nothing. Our vote to overturn God’s Law is nothing short of a group delusion.

[22] We are not free to sift through the Bible and pull out the individual snippets that please us. God’s word is not the equivalent of a “Moral Supermarket” where we shop for those things which suit our palate or diet.

[23] This is by far the most important aspect. In theology we speak of God’s “Immutability”. Sadly, this term is rarely spoken about today. In essence, it means that God does not change in His plans, purposes, or power. Therefore, what God hated in Genesis, God hates in Revelation. To say that God no longer hates homosexuality, divination, false worship, child sacrifice, and so forth, is to say that God has changed substantially. That is to say, as God’s Law is a reflection of His character, a change in His moral stance in Law must presuppose a change in His character. Thus, God has changed. At this point, God is no longer God.

[24] The fundamental aspect missing from Mr Rudd’s assessment is that marriage is ultimately for God’s glory. Thus, the children brought into this world are likewise to be raised for His glory. Marriage is not just about nurture and protection for children. It is about God’s desire for Godly offspring; for successive generations that will praise and honour His name. True nurture occurs in households that are under the dominion of Jesus Christ; where parents raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

[25] When we highlight the Biblical concept of Marriage, it does in one sense attack the legitimacy of homosexuality. However, what needs to be recognised is that many are simply debating a term as though that term can be applied to anything. It cannot. “Marriage” is a label given to a distinct covenantal form that simply cannot be replicated. If your child is shown a picture of a large, grey animal, with a long trunk and tusks, is it legitimate for him to call that form a “donkey”? I mean they have four legs, a tail, a head, and a mouth. Both have big ears. There are definite similarities. Yet, you would not allow this to stand. Why? Because the distinction is not found in the similarities, but in the differences. The label cannot be separated either from form or ability. Homosexuals have neither the form nor the ability. That is to say that their form is illegitimate and their abilities deficient. Thus, the label cannot apply.

[26] I will admit to paucity at this point. I have forgotten the name of the person. However, I do remember looking at the data and found it to be convincing. See: The Australian

[27] 1 Corinthians 15:24-25

[28] 1 Timothy 1:8-11

[29] Deuteronomy 17:18-20

[30] My brother related to me a story. He was watching Channel 10’s, The Project. Someone stated that the statistics on homosexuality were 2%. Dave Hughes then stated that such figures cannot be right. ‘They must be more like 10%.’ The true statistic is denied, and the figure plucked from the air by the comedian is left to stand. Thus we must be aware of the fact that “hype” is being mistaken for support and practice. This parallels a study in the US that found that people perceived the homosexual population to be about 25% given all the hype surrounding the subject. The original Gallup survey is now unavailable; the site being reconstructed. So please view a snippet here.

Health Trumps Morals

A recent news headline, in regard to the abortion drug RU486, grabbed my attention—and that for all the wrong reasons.

Australia has become such a moral cesspool that we no longer seem to consider moral arguments as in any way relevant to the decisions that we make each and every day. The article mentioned was crying foul that certain women were being forced into home abortions by the, supposed, fact that “they cannot afford a doctor’s prescription or cannot get to a clinic.” This situation then, supposedly, leads to the procurement of RU486 from disreputable sources, which puts these women at further risk because the product can be contaminated.

At these claims, one’s heart is supposed to bleed. Mine does not. In the interest of “full disclosure”, I must state that I am a male and a Christian, which means, of course, that I am insensitive to “women’s needs” and biased. With that out of the way let us break this situation down and expose it for what it really is: Lawlessness dressed as compassion!

If we go back to the beginning of the abortion debate in this country, you will find exactly the same argument – ‘Oh, we must legalise or make abortion-on-demand available so that backyard abortions are stopped and the pain and suffering ended.’ For the most part, for all intents and purposes, abortion is now legal and readily obtainable. So why are women still subjecting themselves to home abortions?

The answer, Biblically, is sin and guilt. The article in question quoted one Professor as saying, “Women who bleed extensively may present at hospital but won’t say (that they took the drug).” Why is this? It is because there is an innate guilt associated with the act of murder. Dress it up. Call it by any other name; Yet the fact remains that women who have abortions end up being plagued by psychological phenomena associated with the guilt. If guilt is not at the heart of the matter, why not carry the child and give it up for adoption? After all, in our shameless society, that is more than possible.

Then we could ask concerning accountability. The problem today is the same as it has always been. To quote one Elder, ‘If women kept their legs together and men kept their pistols in their pockets” we would not have this problem. Amen brother! You see, at the heart of abortion is morality. It begins, for the most part, with illicit sexual relations. It is driven by a desire not to be exposed, and that at the deepest level of human existence. People wish to deceive themselves into thinking that they are pure, good, and decent people. However, it is very hard to convince others, and particularly yourself, that such is true when you willingly tear an innocent life from your womb. After all, good people do not kill the innocent. Pure people make right decisions for all. The decent, being a fellow who would give you the very shirt from his back, should not now demand the shirt back, leaving you to freeze.

Of course, we must ask the economic question, “How much are the good old fashioned contraceptives?” Surely, five bucks on a packet of condoms is better than sourcing abortive drugs illegally from overseas? Surely, a prescription for the pill is easier to acquire than an abortion clinic? Surely a bus ticket is cheaper and far more convenient than a lonely, agonising death on a bathroom floor due to blood loss or other complications?

Here we return to morality. The simple fact is that these women have a number of options before them – starting with no illicit sex and extending to taking responsibility for their actions. However, as with most things today, the wrong choices are highlighted and argued ad nauseam and to the nth degree so as to guilt people into further lawlessness and immorality. Most interestingly, the wrong is even argued as a moral right!

An example of this is found in a related article that illustrates the absolute nonsense on which these people operate. It says: “RU486 struck fear into the heart of the anti-abortionists; a pill was just too easy, they thought. If a woman must have an abortion, make the process difficult. Make her suffer. In 2006 then Health Minister Tony Abbott said RU486 was just too risky; he overrode expert advice to ban the pill, warning of backyard miscarriages and unscrupulous doctors. That effective ban was overturned and the pill is available on Australia. In some places. At some expense. For many – the poor and those living in rural Australia – abortions in general are still hard to get. But women find a way. You can order RU486 online and have yourself a home abortion, unsupervised. Dangerous. There is a lesson in this about pragmatism. You can have all the moral objections in the world to abortion, but if women can’t access them safely, they will find a way to access them unsafely. And you end up with backyard miscarriages and unscrupulous doctors.”

“Okay! Okay! I give up. You have convinced me.” I mean, how can I be a pro-life / anti-abortionist in the face of such overwhelming logic and argument? Easily!

First, note that the fall back position is scorn and ridicule. I do not know of any Christian that opposes abortion on the basis of wanting women “to suffer”. On the contrary, women who have abortions do suffer. I want that suffering, and that of the child, to end. That is the position of the moral absolute found in God. Do not commit the sin and thereby alleviate all the consequences of that sin.

Second, there is the absurdity. We have legalised abortion to stop backyard abortions. However, we have not made it legal enough or available enough, therefore, we will get “backyard miscarriages (note the subtle change in terminology) and unscrupulous doctors.” What I see in this particular mess of pottage is that legalising abortion has not worked. Put differently, legalised abortion has failed to meet the end for which it was given, promoted, and continues to be trumpeted. (Please also note the absolute contradiction. Tony Abbott is condemned for banning the drug amid fears of backyard abortions; now this drug is the source of those backyard abortions. In short, Tony Abbot was right! Where do they send their heartfelt apology?)

This, again, leads back to morals. Legalising the immoral never makes it right or acceptable. It is common in our godless society to hear much about legalising evil so that it will not be driven underground.  The constant mantra is ‘bring it into the light of the day where it can be properly controlled.’ Now, pray tell, where has that got us? Nowhere! When you bring things into the light you give them energy, nutrients, and the ability to spread and corrupt. Rarely, if ever, are they controlled. Equally, legalising the element does not stop the underground trade. Pills are easily and cheaply available from a chemist, yet there is an underground trade. Sex is available at legalised brothels, yet there is an underground trade. Abortions are readily available; yet there is an underground trade. Why is this? Because the heart of this issue, as with the others, is morality.

Third, I cannot let the word “pragmatism” go without taking a stick to it. The pragmatic approach is to do what “works”. However, pragmatism has not proven to be a very good guide. It is currently destroying the Church. We no longer seek God’s blessing through obedience. We just do what works. Until recently, I was a member of a small, elderly congregation. I used to joke with them saying that, “I could fill the place if they would but let me place poker machines in the cry room and employ topless dancers to direct attention to the minister!” I mean, it would work! We would get a completely new demographic involved in our congregation. Yet, we must stop the frivolity and ask, “Is this the purpose of Christ’s bride?” Similarly, Hitler struck upon a wonderfully pragmatic answer to the question of his “Final Solution”. Anyone cheering for that one? Now, it may be that some will tell me to stop making silly arguments. After all, we know Hitler was a bad man. Yet is this not the sting in the tail. Hitler was indeed a bad man, but to say so is a moral judgement! Saying that Hitler was bad is not a statement based in pragmatism. It is a statement that moralism alone can make; more precisely, moralism as based in God’s word.

Therefore, if the author of the above news article wishes to be pragmatic then let us be helpful and suggest a few possibilities:

  • Let all women have tailor-made corks fitted; (Cheap. Simple. Readily available.)
  • Let all women with unwanted pregnancies be put to death. (Why should the baby alone pay? Also, there are statistics from America that show that recidivism is high. So this action should help drive the numbers down.)
  • Let all women, not interested in babies, stop having sex. (I know, it sounds moral, but it is also pragmatic. No sex. No pregnancy. No pregnancy. No need for abortion.)

What, no takers! I thought these to be very pragmatic solutions.

The simple fact is that “Health” is a moral issue. The simple fact is that some conditions can only be solved by morals. The simple fact is that “technology” and “breakthrough” cannot solve all conditions. The simple fact is that a little thing like “No!” can save you from a world of hurt and pain that no earthly physician can cure.

The only Physician that can cure all is Jesus Christ, God’s Son. Jesus cures by giving a new heart. Jesus cures by giving us a moral compass which is attuned to the Word of His Father. That compass directs in the right way and directs us away from backyard abortions and self-induced miscarriages. Such are simply not necessary when the right moral choice is made in the first place.

Proverbs 14:18: “But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, That shines brighter and brighter until the full day.

Psalm 119:105: “Thy word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path.

The Slippery Slope (Pt. 4): Cultural Catastrophe

In our quest for understanding into the Slippery Slope, we have laid a basic foundation. We have noted that the Slippery Slope began centuries ago with Enlightenment philosophy, particularly the Rejection of the Bible’s God. We have shown that the only two epistemological standpoints are those of Revelation or Relativism. We have explored how the rejection of Revelation must lead to Relativism and to men groping in darkness. We have also looked at the stepping stones, however briefly, that brought us to the current issues of today. Particularly, we looked at the realms of Ecclesiology and Science and saw how the works of two men, Schweitzer and Darwin, moved us further down the Slippery Slope.

In our last article, we mapped out the steps, but we did not have time to fully explore the link between Relativism and Cultural disintegration. In this article, we would like to simply unpack this aspect a little.

Our starting point is a subjective one. It is you! Regardless of whether you are a Believer in Jesus Christ or a rejecter of Him, you need to understand that the world in which you live has been shaped by the abandonment of Revelation and the acceptance of Relativism. You also need to understand that you are living in an epistemological dichotomy. Most today do not understand this position or even realise the paradigm shift. Let’s illustrate this. In a previous life, I drove taxis. On one occasion I had a male passenger who expressed the view that the individual should simply do what makes them feel good. Immediately the thought passed through my mind – ‘Hmmm, let us test this theory. Grab him by the back of the neck and bash his head against the dashboard!’ Yes, a tad unsanctified, but what do you suppose his reaction would have been? Upon explanation that “I just felt like bashing him”, do you think this gentleman would have been calm and at peace with the fact the encounter was nothing more than another rational creature simply expressing himself as he desired? I doubt it. Here we have the dichotomy. This man expressed relativism as his epistemology, but in reality he would have expected applied revelation as an outcome. In other words, his expectation of outcome would have been toward justice and retribution against the assailant – a position supported only by God’s Revelation, not his stated relativism! Therefore, it is important to understand that today’s culture is totally exposed to disintegration. People within our culture, for the most part, are conflicted. Disintegration and conflict occur because, in Biblical language, they have ‘halted between two opinions’ (1 kings 18:21). Our culture wants an epistemology that worships each individual man as if he were a god (relativism); promulgating laws that see each of his desires are fully met. However, on the flip side, he wants all his rights and privileges protected on the basis of law, morals, and ethics that transcend the individual and move into the realm of absolutes. At this point, he wants to move from relativism to revelation!

To drive to the heart of cultural disintegration we must look at this conflict. To begin, we must look at some Biblical basics. 1. God is. 2. God spoke 3. In speaking, God created. 4. To His creation, God spoke Law-Words. 5. These Law-Words are covenant terms promising blessing and curse. 6. These covenant Law-Words are the basis for the happiness, prosperity, and well being of God’s creatures. 7. Therefore, these covenant Law-Words are to be obeyed, if a prosperous culture is to be experienced. Because God is an immutable, absolute being, possessing absolute power, He not only has the right to settle the terms of life for His creatures, but he has the will and the power to bring about all that He stipulates in His Law-Word.

Using marriage as an example, we see that God made man male and female. He called man to unity in the covenant bond of marriage. This bond He blessed with a command to be ‘fruitful and multiply’. Man obeyed because God had designed this life into man. Like the bow in the sky (Genesis 9:13), the child brought forth from the womb was nothing less than a covenant sign. The child proved the essence and reality of God’s design, purpose, and promise – fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it! As man obeyed this command, God upheld and sustained the marriage covenant at every step. Moreover, God hedged the marriage covenant with law to make sure that its sanctity was upheld (Exodus 20:12 & 14; Leviticus 20:10; Matthew 10:2-12); even extending laws to protect the child (Exodus 21:22; Numbers 3:11; Psalm 127:3-5; Matthew 18:10). Thus, from first to last, marriage is a covenant of life (fruitful), culture (subdue), and salvation (Genesis 3:15; Galatians 3:16) – eternal life and culture.

As God purposed for this marriage covenant to be the bedrock of society, God added penalty to law – thus truly indicating that marriage is a God-sanctioned covenant – so that man would respect this bond. When a person betrayed that covenant, the full weight of the law was to come upon them. There was to be guilt and innocence. There was to be bounty for the faithful; depravation for the guilty. Punishment of the guilty served the true end of justice, but it was also to be a deterrent (Deuteronomy 17:12; 19:19; 22:22).

By contrast, the relativism of finite man gives nothing but disintegration. Man has no real power and certainly nothing approaching the absolute. Man’s epistemology of relativism stands in stark contrast to The Immutable. There are no law-words of worth. Those that they possess, they have stolen! The heart of man does not give definitions of love, justice, goodness, holiness, etc. All these are terms borrowed, read stolen, from the Bible’s God. So man makes futile attempts to promulgate laws that are meant to give stability to culture and rights to the individual. They knock down in order to build, but their foundation is nothing but rubble. The edifice must collapse!

Again, let us illustrate this with marriage. Having jettisoned the Bible’s God, man was left to improvise. He could see some things of worth in the design of God, but they were bound too tightly to law and penalty. Man wanted freedom, not a lot, just enough to loosen the strictures – well that is how it began. So God’s Law-Word on marriage had to be replaced by man’s relative tenets on marriage. As man was a sexual creature, what did it matter if your slippers were parked, on occasion, under the wrong bed? So, of necessity, we must decriminalise adultery. This then opened the way for promiscuity. “No penalty, so what does it matter?” is the way man thought. The problem was that as a creature made in the image of God, promiscuity did matter. Innately, one or other of the parties felt aggrieved at the betrayal and wanted ‘out’ of the relationship. Because we had decriminalised adultery, what was the aggrieved party to do? After all, no harm no foul! So, we are given the Family Law Court that has a “no fault” policy. Question! How do you divide up a family, goods, and chattels without establishing guilt or innocence? At this point, man’s relativism has begun to destroy the very nature of law. With divorce increasing, the question then became, “Why get married?” Let’s “try before we buy!” Let us simply pretend to be married. Here, we have arrived at the place wherein “marriage” has become an absolute farce. Homosexuality, polygamy, bestiality, you and your grandmother – yes, be repulsed – is all on the table.

However, that is but the tip of the ‘iceberg’. Children, the fruit of the womb proving God’s covenant and design, are now openly attacked. Man hates God now. He is not looking for “wiggle room” but to throw off God’s rule (Psalm 2). Therefore, in true evolutionary style, the “live in lover” beats the child senseless because it is not his offspring. The couple want the pleasure of sex, but they have no interest in fruitfulness and dominion, so when the womb is bounteous they slay the contents as though of no more worth than a baked bean! The woman finds a new boyfriend and murders her children because he prefers that they were not around.

What happens to these slayers and child beaters? Nothing! Relativism has destroyed law. The fruit of the womb is no longer a covenant testimony to be honoured and treasured as life, culture, and salvation. No. It is now to be killed as burden and inconvenience; and the moral applied is “choice”. We still, hypocritically, take a dim view of child beaters and of the mother that kills her children, but we are slowly throwing of these shackles too! We now not only discuss abortion openly, but also infanticide.

Relativism is a culture of death and the death of a culture because it removes any and all meaning and therefore destroys purpose. Relativism limits everything to what it is. So, to the relativist, ‘marriage’ is nothing more than an agreement between two parties that gives some vague legal standing. It is for this reason that homosexuals, polygamists, and others push for the right to be married. To them, marriage serves no purpose beyond “recognition” or “equality”. The idea of covenant, blessing, fruitfulness, posterity, prosperity, dominion, covenant affirmation, and image bearing, are alien concepts.

Here, we have only drawn a few faint lines using marriage as an example, to show that the rejection of the Bible’s God must lead to Humanism and Relativism. The consequence of this shift must be Cultural Disintegration. We stepped onto the Slippery Slope centuries ago. We sowed the wind; we are now reaping the whirlwind! All that is upon us, all disintegration, stems from our rejection of God. Let us commit to restoration by once again embracing the One True and Living God that speaks through Jesus Christ His Son!

The Slippery Slope (Pt.3): Revelation or Relativism

We have been looking at the issue of the Slippery Slope. Our starting point was the question, “Will the acceptance of homosexual marriage lead to polygamy?” We have argued that polygamy is a possibility regardless of the approval of homosexual marriage. Our argument is based on the very simple premise that when the Bible’s God is rejected as the only objective and absolute standard, ‘Relativism’ must reign. There simply is not any other possibility. When God is removed, finite man exalts himself so as to become the measure of all things. Thus, Man begins to grope in the dark. He has set foot upon the Slippery Slope.

Some will see this as demeaning to man. If that is the case, good! Man needs to be humbled and realise his place. The simple reality is that Man is a finite being. Whether we take into account the Fall or not, Man was never God. Even in the Paradise of God, Man had (will have) limitations. Even if we momentarily go insane and allow for evolution to be accepted as a valid worldview, we are still faced with Man’s finite nature. The evolutionists still ‘guess’ because the evolutionary process has failed to pass on brains that can remember back to the beginning. Evolution has failed to develop sensory perceptions that will allow us to accurately predict the future. Consequently, Man needs instruction. He needs revelation. The only question is, “What will be his source?” Will it be based in Man – looking to the world around him and hoping to find some clues – or will it be based in God – God revealed in Jesus Christ and Scripture?

Our task, in this article, is to look at how the rejection of God demands a change in culture and cultural standards. Specifically, we would like to look at the path that has led us to this point of discussion and thereby reinforce the thesis that what we see today is a consequence of the Slippery Slope and not an initial stepping upon it.

To understand this, we must first grasp the fact that Fallen Man simply will not have anything to do with God, so he will reject the reality of God or the fact that God has spoken (Psalm 14:1; 2 Peter 1:20-21). This is Fallen Man’s a priori position. Thus, Fallen Man demands for himself a closed system; a system without revelation. As stated, this rejection is the Slippery Slope. From this point on, everything is to Man relative, subjective, and transient. The outward effects of this rejection may, at first, seem to be of little consequence, but in time it will have a radical culture altering impact.

Let us begin by examining two people and their contribution to our current cultural decline. These men are chosen at random and represent the sacred and secular – please allow the latitude in terminology. The first of these men is Albert Schweitzer. Known in the West for his book, The Quest for the Historical Jesus, Schweitzer was the son of a Lutheran pastor, an ordained man, and the holder of a PhD in Theology. The book mentioned was a “best seller” and had a huge impact on the Church. People all over the globe were influenced by this book, and why not? Look at the title. Surely any good Christian wants to know the Historical Jesus! The problem was that the “quest” began with a faulty premise, namely, the rejection of authoritative revelation in which man submits to God. What was the conclusion of this Quest? Says Schweitzer, “The Jesus of Nazareth who came forward publicly as the Messiah, who preached the ethic of the Kingdom of God, who founded the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth, and died to give His work its final consecration, never had any existence. He is a figure designed by rationalism, endowed with life by liberalism, and clothed by modern theology in an historical garb.¹

The second person to be considered is Charles Darwin. Well known for his On the Origin of Species, we need to also understand something of his thought process. Darwin was raised a Unitarian. This means, in essence, that he believed in one God. Not in the Biblical sense of one God in Three persons, but essentially one God in One person. Thus, Jesus was not God. Jesus may have been spoken of in exalted terms, but He was not ascribed His rightful place as the Son of God. They only way to arrive at such a position was to clearly and systematically deny the explicit teachings of Scripture and the claims made by Jesus Himself therein – including the fact that Jesus was God’s agent of creation.

What was the impact of these men’s denial of God’s revelation? Essentially, it robbed them of meaning and purpose. The conclusion of Schweitzer’s quest was mere subjectivism. Says Schweitzer, “He comes to us as One unknown, without a name, as of old, by the lake-side, He came to those men who knew Him not. He speaks to us the same word: “Follow thou me!” and sets us to the tasks which He has to fulfil for our time. He commands. And to those who obey Him … He will reveal Himself in the toils, the conflicts, the sufferings which they shall pass through in His fellowship, and, as an ineffable mystery, they shall learn in their own experience Who He is.” In Schweitzer’s mind, Jesus was not the God-man, revealed by God at the appointed time for salvation (Galatians 4:4-5). No, he was just a spiritual symbol, unknown, unnamed, that one may encounter upon life’s journey. In true existential terms, Jesus then became to you what you needed him to be or what you believed him to be.

For Darwin, His crisis of faith was apparent from the start. As a Unitarian, he did not believe that Jesus was the exact representation of God (Contra Hebrews 1:1ff). Thus, revelation was removed from the beginning. Consequently, by the end of his life Darwin described himself as an Agnostic. He was not prepared to totally give up on the idea of God, but he certainly was not prepared to embrace the God revealed in Scripture. BB Warfield makes this point, “The History of the drift by which Mr. Darwin was separated from faith in a divine order in the world, divides itself into two well marked periods. The first of these … ends with the loss of Christianity. During the second, which extended over the remainder of his life, he struggled … to retain his standing as a theist. At the end of the first he no longer believed that God had spoken to men in his Word; at the end of the second he more than doubted whether the faintest whisper of his voice could be distinguished in his works. He was never prepared dogmatically to deny his existence; but search as he might he could not find him, and could only say that if he existed he was, verily, a God that hides himself.(Selected Shorter Writings vol., 2.)

Please take careful note of Warfield’s summation and note the epistemological circle – applicable to both Darwin and Schweitzer. The first stage ended with the denial of revelation. The second stage concludes with Darwin essentially blaming God as one who ‘hides himself’. Darwin’s problem was simple. He refused to look in the one Book and to the One Person through Whom God had made Himself known. In opposition to Darwin’s ‘god-whisperer’ theory, we should adopt Schaeffer’s “He is there and He is (most definitely) not silent!”

When these men rejected God’s specific revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ as canonised in Scripture, they had nowhere to turn but to the subjective, transient, and ephemeral dream that is fallen finite man. They condemned themselves to grope in the dark and hope that they might stumble upon God or hear that ‘faint whisper of his voice’ in His works.

In terms of our discussion, the question is asked, ‘How have these men influenced our day?’ The answer is, Completely! In society, you cannot go anywhere without bumping into the God-denying theory of evolution. People now believe it to be absolute fact. It is so entrenched that people do not question its validity. The impact for culture can be seen in the realm of science. Men, denying God, look for ‘little green’ men on distant planets; they spend trillions on telescopes and rockets, but cannot feed their hungry neighbour; they spend billions on weapons, but cannot fund life saving medicine. In the Church, the theories popularised by Schweitzer and others, denying Biblical revelation, have spawned denominations that no longer believe the literal truth of the Bible and question the historicity of Jesus. This then opens the door even further to auto-salvific discovery – find your own god and saviour wherever, if you think you need one! These teaching have even infiltrated the majority of main stream denominations, causing people to doubt God’s revelation. These denominations still hold to the core doctrines, but examination shows that they have been savaged in many areas.

Let us fine tune this. Darwin and Schweitzer existed in the mid- to late- 1800’s. For sake of argument, let us say the Enlightenment began around 1700. What we have here is a three stone path. We look at the philosophies of the Enlightenment and the essential questioning of the notion of or need for an Absolute God who Speaks. 150 years later, we encounter Darwin and Schweitzer who have now all but denied God. Some vague concepts may remain, but they have denied the Historical Jesus as revealed in Scripture. 150 years later, we arrive in our day. Who believes in an absolute God who speaks? Who believes that this God gave Law? Who believes that the Law revealed is binding? Who believes that Jesus Christ is the epitome and embodiment of God and His Law?

Stone one: Step onto the Slippery Slope. Stone two: Revelation to Relativism. Stone three: ‘There was no king in that day and everyone did what was right in his own eyes!’ Voilá, the path to cultural disintegration!

The Essence of War: Part 2

In your minds, right now, you may be asking, “Why all this warmongering?” That is an excellent question. The simple answer is, if I might quote Aragorn, “Open war is upon you whether you would have it or not!” The battle lines are drawn and there is no neutrality. Every man, woman, and child, is in an army that wars with Christ or wars against Christ. This is the big picture. This is the cosmic battle shown to us clearly on the pages of Scripture. (Genesis 3:15; Ephesians 6:11-12; Revelation 19:19; Luke 11:23)

This said; let us try to bring this cosmic battle to the reality of our everyday lives. We have noted that men will live out the desires of their heart. We have noted that men are motivated by only one of two absolute, heartfelt passions – love for God or hatred of God. This means that when you encounter a person on the street you are engaging one of these heartfelt motives.

This means, in terms of concrete, life affirming, life altering, or “rubber hits the road” application, that when:

  • You interact with a politician you are engaging one of these heartfelt motives.
  • You write to the editor of your local news paper you are engaging one of these heartfelt motives.
  • You watch a television show you are witnessing the expression of one of these heartfelt motives.
  • You vote in an election you are choosing one of these heartfelt motives.
  • You educate your children you will subject them to a curriculum based in one of these heartfelt motives.
  • You give forth an opinion you will be giving rise to one of these heartfelt motives; or
  • You give forth an opinion that is a compromise because it is a policy that runs contrary to your heartfelt motive.

The absolute failure of the Church to grasp this most elementary principle and to inculcate it into Christians as a core belief is a, if not the, fundamental reason Christianity is in disarray today. Christians and Christianity are being defeated, befuddled, battered, and bewildered because they operate on a basis that denies this essential truth.

Let me illustrate this with reference to the recent Presidential election in the United States. One Christian social commentator created a stir by saying that, although he was a republican, he would not vote for Mitt Romney. He did this, not on policy, but principle. Mitt Romney was a Mormon and therefore would not receive his vote. This stance brought a degree of criticism. Now that Barack Obama has been re-elected, he has received communications blaming him and others like him for the resultant state. I find this sad. How blind we have become! Mitt Romney is an apostate Mormon. Barack Obama is an apostate Humanist. In essence, what is the difference? They both lie, cheat, and steal “candy from babies”! Neither has a God-loving spirit. Neither are going to produces works of righteousness. Neither are going to lower taxes, increase employment, outlaw abortion, abolish poverty, or cut government spending. In terms of our discussion, both of these men are sided against God and His Christ. Thus, whilst there may be some policy differences, either reign will still ultimately result in a culture of death. Out of the overflow of their dead hearts, policies of death will flow forth to implementation. Reform will never be seen. As for righteousness …?; no statement is needed!

The same can be said of our own country. I remember well, during the time of Paul Keating’s Prime Ministership, Christians being dismayed at certain proposals and outcomes. Why? The man was a self-professed atheist. He was a God-hater to the core. Why would you ever expect a man whose “heartfelt motive” was venomous vitriol against God to bring forth righteous laws that promoted true life?

We, in Australia, will be going to the polls soon. What is our choice? None! We have a fornicating, self-professed atheist currently holding the Prime Ministership. What will Julia Gillard ever do to promote God’s righteousness as the only standard for this nation? On the other side we have Tony Abbott. What can we expect from this man? Well, he belongs to the Congregation of Rome, but that is a very different thing to being a Christian. It means that he may be influenced on some moral decisions in a direction that approximates the Biblical standard. However, we must be aware that an approximation, even a close approximation, is not the “real McCoy”!

Equally, Mr Abbott is on record as denying the essence of religion in public office. Says he: “We are all influenced by a value system that we hold, but in the end, every decision that a politician makes is, or at least should, in our society be based on the normal sorts of considerations. It’s got to be publicly justifiable; not only justifiable in accordance with a private view; a private belief.”

What Mr. Abbott here espouses is sheer nonsense. It runs contrary to the declaration of Scripture. Men will always act in accord with their ultimate motive (religion). Yes, men can be hypocritical. However, ultimately they will act in accord with and be faithful to their one true heartfelt motive. The truth of this is seen in Mr Abbott’s use of the phrase, “normal sorts of considerations”. What, pray tell, is this animal? Let us illustrate. Mr Abbott, as a congregant of Rome, has certain moral perspectives. He stands against euthanasia and abortion. However, as Minister for Health and Ageing, did Tony Abbott outlaw abortion? No, he did not. He was content to see numbers reduced. Herein is the problem. His moral compass may direct him toward certain positions that mimic Scriptures’. However, as a Roman Humanist, he is equally governed by the “normal sorts of consideration”. As a politician, one of these considerations is being elected. Thus, to quote one of my favourite phrases, he will do the “expedient, not the right”! God says, do not murder. This is the absolute position of the heartfelt motive that loves Jesus. Mr Abbott’s version is, murder fewer. This is the position of “normal considerations” and the relative position of the heartfelt motive opposed to Christ.

In the end, we ask, “What is the difference between Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott?” The answer is, very little. The best that can be said at the moment is that a Liberal government will do better monetarily. That is it. Labour governments have never been able to balance a cheque book. (This is no criteria for election!) Outside of this there is almost no difference. Why is this? Precisely because both are governed by a “heartfelt principle” that is at war with Jesus Christ.

As with America, so in Australia, there will be Christians who will bicker over candidates based on what flag they serve under, rather than based on the heartfelt motive of the individual candidate. (We do not have room to comment on Party Politics and some other associated points.) There will be Christians who are disappointed with political stands and outcomes. Christians will be confused and bewildered by the contradictions, lies, and deceit of politicians and this will continue to happen until we indoctrinate ourselves with the true Biblical picture.

This brings us back to our definition of war; to the constancy of this war; and to the application of these principles to our day.

Australia, whilst not currently a Christian country, was founded upon Christian principles. Our culture was derived from and based upon the Law-Word of God. It is very hard not to see this fact; indeed one would need to be wilfully ignorant, not to see the similarity between the Decalogue and the foundational values of this country. The application of God’s law restrained evil. It had the benefit of guiding our society in a better way, whether or not the members of our society were overtly Christian. The honour of God in worship, the acknowledgement of God’s right to rule in civil ceremony, and the civil obedience to His covenant stipulations gave Australia a “leg to stand on”. It did so precisely because these elements combined brought a blessing from God that restrained evil.

Thus we rejected the murder of infants, the infirmed, and the aged, no matter what wonderful modern label was used to disguise this evil. We rejected homosexuality, bestiality, fornication, and all other sexual perversion, recognising that God made male and female and these alone he blessed with fertility in covenant relationship (marriage). We honoured the family as the chief building block of society. Thus we protected it from adultery. We supported it with tax breaks and concessions. In these practices, we were like a careful gardener who tended his plants attentively. We weeded. We fertilised. We watered, and all this in the hope and belief that our culture would flourish.

Now we find ourselves as Christians and as a culture battered, bruised, and dying. Sexual perversion is no longer a relevant term. Anything is seemingly legitimate or ‘give it long enough’ and it acceptance is assured. Marriage is threatened by whoremongers and their self-fulfilling prophecies. The family is attacked in a myriad of ways including, but not limited to, the erosion of parental authority, Statist calls for discipline to be labelled ‘abuse’, and by a “User Pays” system for utilities and health care. People are confused. Uncertainty reigns. Evil is not restrained; nor are men. Why is this? It is because the ungodly are epistemologically self-conscious in this war and the Christians, seemingly, are not. By this we mean that the ungodly are very much self-aware of their hostility to Christ and the pursuit of their agenda. They are aware that they are fighting to throw off God’s rule.

In short, the ungodly hate the Godly restraints that our society has historically enshrined in law. Consequently, as our nation has deepened its connection with Secularism, the war has become more obvious. It has become an imperative that additional mores need to be overthrown. These will not rest until, in Nietzsche’s words, “God is dead” and every thought of Him has been eradicated.

Man, under the tutelage of Secular Humanism, has decided that they must express their hatred of God by insisting that man be given ultimate freedom to choose for himself right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral. Man in his unregenerate state realises that God’s righteousness, the only appropriate “measuring stick”, limits man’s preponderance for evil and debauchery. Thus, man has gone to war to get what he wants – autonomy to destruction. If you doubt this, please go and read the first chapter of Romans. Then read it again and again. Do not read your words into the text, but let Paul tell you of man’s war against God.

Brethren, let us grasp this point so that your frustration, disappointments, and therapeutic head-banging may cease.

We can illustrate the need to change our perspective by referencing current political happenings. Recently, by the mercies of God, our Parliament voted to retain the current definition of marriage, rather than open marriage to homosexuals and other perversions beside. We have already written about the need for Christians not to look upon this vote as the end of the war, but merely a skirmish in the battle. We have also noted that this decision was nothing more than a vote on the definition of marriage. It was in no way a rejection of homosexuality or heterosexual perversions. It was not an assertive statement concerning the centrality and importance of marriage as God commanded. It was nothing more than a vote on a definition. It was a vote devoid of morality, theology, and essence.

What we would like to highlight is the tenacity with which the homosexual agenda (war) is being pursued and the way this pursuit has shown many politicians to be walking contradictions. Did you note that Julia Gillard crossed the floor in this vote? With this action, she voted to retain the current definition of marriage. Yet, as you know, she is not married, but lives with a man. It was also her alliance with independent candidates that brought our nation to this situation. Now, ask yourself this question. “What would Julia Gillard have done if the definition of marriage was changed? The simple answer is, she would have accepted it. Her heartfelt motive is antagonistic to Jesus Christ. If as a nation we had walked further from God, she would not have been concerned.

This also explains why, so soon after this vote, we saw the government grant homosexual couples assistance to raise families. In this, their so-called ‘family unit’, was given the same status as the God ordained and sanctioned “ridgy-didge” family unit. There is no delineation between reality and travesty. How can this be? Well, it goes back to the statement of Mr. Abbott above. This is the relative position of the “normal consideration” of the heart opposed to God. It is an expression of our nation’s and our culture’s war against God.

Understand this point well, please. The government is happy to allow the definition of marriage to stand because they have effectively nullified God’s order in other ways. Homosexuals have obtained equal rights under law at almost every point. Equally, while the nation was looking at this issue, what other sinister nasties passed by unnoticed. Consequently, the proverbial ‘fly on the wall’ might hear a conversation such as, ‘So, the marriage definition was retained. No big deal. We will just use our power to add in other benefits and thereby establish homosexual rights anyway. We will give them family assistance etc., etc., and so on.’ This is what, in times of war, would be called a ‘covert operation’. Neither should it be forgotten that our country is led by a Prime Minister who has been caught lying on more than one occasion. What do words of bond, oaths of promise, or a simple handshake mean to such a one?

Christians are rejoicing in the fact that the retention of the current definition of marriage was ‘a magnificent win’, yet, because they do not realise that open war is upon them, they do not see that it was but a hollow victory. Nothing substantial was gained. The homosexuals are still being courted by the government and it will only be a matter of time before we see another challenge to the legal definition of marriage. Thus, Christianity in this nation is like an army that repels a feint without realising that a large enemy force nears from another direction. Christians are duped because they do not realise or accept the vehemence, hostility, and tenacity of their enemy.

Just as the man argues for and establishes his reality according to his heartfelt principle, so do governments! Do not expect righteousness from unrighteous governments. Do not expect an unrighteous government to be fair, ethical, open, and above all, Godly. You may as readily expect David Attenborough to enter a pulpit and extol the wonders of Jesus Christ as God’s agent of Creation!

Brethren do not be deceived nor deceive yourselves. One war; Two sides! Individually and politically!

The war continues!

Today, we awaken to news that the unreality show, Big Brother, an abomination if ever there were, has this time around been won by a homosexual who used the opportunity to propose to his partner. The second paragraph of this article reads: “In a gesture that has instantly made him a flagbearer for the cause of gay marriage, Norris said he had always planned to use the show’s publicity to express his love for Williams.” Further into the article we are granted this commentary: “Ex-housemate Michael Beveridge said he hoped that Norris and Williams’ marriage would inspire others. “Hopefully, now he’s in a famous gay couple, he can forge a path for other people to think about starting a family and getting what every other Australian gets.””

In the context of self-awareness, please note the comment, “he had always planned to use the show’s publicity…” The whole occurrence was not an accident. It was planned. More pointedly, the whole happening was essentially and exercise in futility, but it was an exercise in futility to further their war against God. Confused? Let me break the statements up. It was an exercise in futility in that homosexual marriage is illegal. It has no basis in law and is excluded by definition – as the nation has seen of recent. As such, Mr. Norris’s proposal was a proposal to naught and an exercise in futility. Thus, Mr. Norris may have just as easily invited Martians to attend his next birthday party or proposed marriage to a unicorn! This said, we must realise that this nonsense had a point — to reassert his personal hatred of God and His standard. It is also to be doubted that the producers of the show did not know that this stunt was about to be unleashed. Here again, the heartfelt motive of hatred for God comes to the fore. The homosexual wants what he wants regardless of God’s Law. The producers are willing to allow this as they want the ratings and publicity that such a stunt will bring. The homosexuals and television producers gathered together against God and against His Anointed!

The world has gone to war to get what it wants. So desperate is it that it respects nothing and will destroy any obstacle in its way. A bit of an over statement? Not at all. Think this through. It was only a few months ago that Parliament voted to retain the current definition of Marriage. Why is it then that, in this great democracy, none seem to respect the outcome of the vote? Keep in mind also that recent figures show that homosexuals comprise less than two percent of the population. Now, I admit that ethics is not about numbers. However, in this instance, ethically, the current definition of marriage is correct, yet a change is being demanded by an extreme minority. If we follow this logic and this is our version of “democracy” then, get ready for Sharia law and any number of other possibilities!

The point here is that the war against God realises some very strange bedfellows. People who, on another issue, may be at loggerheads readily abandon their differences to war against God. Here, we see the homosexuals not willing to respect the law of the land or the democratic principle on which it is established. Yet, at another point, they will argue their case in terms of ‘democracy’. Worse, we see that the government is not willing to uphold its own process. The government votes to retain the current definition of marriage and then, almost immediately, gives homosexuals access to benefits designed for families. In so doing the government elevates the homosexual travesty to a position of equality with a real family. Seemingly, the government does not believe in ‘democracy’! (I think we all knew this. It is just interesting that the veil of pretence is beginning to crack.) What is the common denominator? They share a heartfelt motive. They together hate God and wish to throw off His rule.

What then is the Christian’s response? In this instance, it is truly a case of fighting fire with fire. The Christians of this nation must go to war in order to protect what they have, but also to take back what has been lost. Moreover, we should see this as an opportunity to extend our warfare so as to obtain what we want or, more precisely, what Jesus has commanded. In short, we must remember that Yahweh instigated this war. This means that we must not only fight for Him, but also that we fight for that which He went to war—summarised in the person and work of Jesus Christ!

So my friends, here is the war. Here is the battle line. The Humanists have waged a war to get what they want. They are tireless and unceasing in pressing this war and pursuing their agenda. We must likewise be as aggressive in our war against their ungodliness.

We must understand that Christ and Christianity won little but a reprieve in the recent vote. We must understand that the Church has lost a lot of ground precisely because She has been, colloquially speaking, “asleep at the wheel”. A major part of this slumber is due to the erosion of sound doctrine which has left Christians without an identity and totally confused. We have been led to believe in a God that accepts everything and rejects nothing. We have been led to believe that Christianity has had a good run and that it would be a simple act of greed or selfishness on the part of Christianity if it desired to retain or regain its position. We are told, again in Aussie parlance, that it is time for a “fair suck of the sav” religiously speaking. We are told that we must be open and affirming; that true community is an amalgam; that Christianity’s demand of exclusiveness is ruining the ideal of a Utopian brotherhood of man. All of this modern rubbish has infiltrated the Church, weakened her stance, and encouraged attacks from the enemy. Like a nation who has let her outer defence collapse, She is ripe for the plucking.

Brethren, the war is upon us. The propaganda machine is at work. It is part of the world’s war. We can expect more stunts like that on Big Brother. The world is going to war to get what it wants.

The question I direct to you, Brethren, is, “Do you love Jesus enough to go to war not only to keep what you have, but to gain more for your King?”

The Essence of War: Part 1

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question, “What drives a war?”

The answer to this question can be argued from many perspectives. However, when we boil it down to its constituent elements we are left with only two answers. People initiate war to get what they want or people go to war to protect what they have.

As we have noted before, Australia is at war. We are involved in a religious war which, by its very nature, means that we are involved in both an ethical and a cultural war. In short, the essence of what is believed by our society must, by necessary consequence, become the reality of and for our culture. Christians must realise this fundamental point. It is illustrated Biblically by texts such as Matthew 6:21, Proverbs 23:7, and Mark 7:21-23.

These texts, and many beside, point to the fact that what a man believes in heart must be (unless he is overtly hypocritical) and will be lived out in practice. This essentially means that man will live out his one, true, heartfelt principle or motive.

Therefore, when man goes to war “to get what he wants” or “protect what he has” he will be motivated by his one heartfelt principle! Nothing more. Nothing less.

This point is raised for your understanding because it is so absolutely important that you, as a Christian, see the relationship and consequence of this principle when it is engaged by two other foundational principles regarding spiritual warfare. The other two elementary principles in regard to spiritual war are:

1. It is total war! It involves every man, woman, and child on the planet. No exceptions!

2. There are only two sides in this war. In the words of Scripture, “He who is not with Jesus is against Jesus.” (Matthew 12:30)

Christian, do you believe this? We are not talking about simple assent to an idea. We are talking about a visceral belief. Do you believe these two points in your very heart of hearts?

These are pointed questions. However, they are necessary questions. If you do not believe these two points, then you will be delinquent in your duties as a soldier in the army of Jesus Christ. Just as a sloppy soldier who does not pay full attention in “boot camp” compromises both his fellows and the cause on the battlefield; so too the Christian who adopt beliefs that are other than Biblical.

Let’s expand on these two points.

Total War: When we read the Scriptures we are faced with the stark reality that this world is at war and that the war is total – it involves and envelopes everything. God made man and He made him in righteousness (Genesis 1:31). Man was to live upon the earth and rule over it as God’s viceregent. In this manner, God’s righteousness was to be seen in and rule over all of creation. Man, however, had some contrary and egoistical ideas. He thought that a promotion was in order and that it would be good to be “God” and so he rebelled (Genesis 3:1-6). This rebellion brought the negative covenant sanction of death upon man (Genesis 3:14-19). Importantly, it brought death and curse to all of creation.

At that point, creation was plunged into turmoil. It was estranged from its Creator and was therefore cut off from life. This caused great upheaval in that all of creation was confounded by a great conflict. Man wanted to continue in rebellion and so strived at every point to destroy the image of God that he witnessed in himself every day. Man continued in his desire to be “God.” He was even so beguiled by his own abilities that he believed he could build a tower that would reach to the heavens (Genesis 11:1-9). Man’s perpetual rebellion only brought further judgement from God.

We must also grasp that this futility of purpose went beyond man and into the creation itself. The apostle Paul has this to say: “For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now” (Romans 8:19-22).

Into this sea of misery, confusion, and death, God injected Himself in grace and mercy to manifest, institute, and consummate His plan of salvation – a plan to save His creation and a people for Himself. This began with the protoevangelion of Genesis (Genesis 3:15); it continued to the choosing of Abraham and Yahweh’s covenanting with him (Genesis 12:1-3; 17:1-8); and it ultimately finds its fulfillment in the arrival of the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53; Galatians 4:4-7).

What must be underscored at this point is Yahweh’s declaration of war. That is right; Yahweh’s declaration of war! In Genesis 3:15, noted above as the protevangelion, the first declaration of the Gospel, we also witness God’s declaration of war. Yahweh says, “I will put enmity between” the two seeds. Yahweh, in effect, says, “I am establishing war” between the two seeds. God has initiated a war! God has gone to war to get what He wants!

This necessarily leads to the next point:

Two Sides: For far too long, there has been a popular, if unwritten, teaching in the Church which I label as “The theology of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” It basically posits that there are three types of people in this world. A) There are those who are the redeemed of God; B) There are the rebels who continue to fight against God; C) There are the innocents, the neutral, the unconcerned, and the uninvolved. It is time that category “C” was eradicated from our thinking for it is utterly unBiblical. Establishing this third and fictitious group of people has only led the Church into dangerous waters. It has encouraged Christians to “swim between the flags” in supposed safety, all the while ushering the Christian into shark infested waters. The end result of this self-imposed deception is that Christians are devoured or emerge from these tumultuous waters bloodied and bruised. If they survive their ordeal they are often shocked and bewildered and struggle to get a handle on the moment. They are left wondering why these events have happened and what has transpired for such a catastrophe to beset them or their generation.

We asked a very pointed question above. We did so for a reason.  Hopefully, the reason is evident. If not, allow us to explain. The person who truly believes that a) man is motivated by a single heartfelt principle; b) we are in a total war; and c) there are only two sides in this war with no possibility of neutrality, will never be in the position of being caught by surprise. He will never wade into the waters unaware that the sharks are already circling. He will never be left with questions and uncertainties. If he is wounded, he will understand that it is a true battle scar, which is the direct result of his enemy lobbing a grenade or firing a bullet. He will realise that he is not the innocent victim of some misguided prank or of some well-meaning person whose good intentions were exploited in an unforseen way. No! He will realise that he has been the object of a deliberate hostile act.

Equally, because he knows that there is no neutrality, he is awake to the schemes and plans of the enemy. He arms himself (Hebrews 4:12). He puts on armour (Ephesians 6:10-20). He builds defences. He is ready to receive and obey orders. He is willing to surrender all for the cause and his Captain (Hebrews 12:1-3; Revelation 19:11-16). In short, he understands that he has been born in a warzone and that his calling is nothing less than to be a warrior (2 Timothy 2:3-4). Therefore, he prepares for and welcomes the war. He does not run and hide. He does not invent mythical places of peace. He does not allow a self-delusion, in which his enemy becomes a neutral non-combatant, to take hold and diminish his skills in or desire for battle. He will rest only when his King is triumphant and all the King’s enemies have been vanquished. This is his high calling. This is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Christian, do you believe this? Do you see this as your job description and calling? Are you willing to engage in this war to protect what you have?

“What is the relevance of all this?” I hear you ask. It is quite simple. We have made and highlighted three intertwined points. First, man is motivated by the principle he holds at his very core. Second, this world is at war. Third, there are only two sides involved in this war. Combined, this means that every person on this planet is either fighting for Jesus Christ or is fighting against Jesus Christ! There is no other option. As the apostle James says, ‘friendship with the world is hostility toward God’ (4:4). One cannot sit on the fence, precisely because there is no fence upon which to sit!

Put as simply as possible, a man and all men will be governed by only one overarching principle or heart desire. His actions will be motivated either by love for God or by a total hatred of God. There is no third group. There is no third option. This is the Biblical picture and we ignore this fact to our own detriment.

The simple reality for Christianity today is that we have failed, for too long, to understand these points and conduct ourselves accordingly. We have tried to treat the world as though it is little more than a misguide child who throws the odd tantrum, rather than understanding that it is a hostile force that hates us precisely and only because it hates our Christ, Jesus! Do you doubt this! Then listen to Jesus’ words, “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. “If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you (John 15:18-19).”

My friends, I speak stern words. Yet they are stern words spoken in love and of necessity. In the cultural war that rages all around us, Christians often suffer loss, are bewildered, and puzzled, because they have not been taught and convinced of the truth that has been here outlined. Consequently, they often expect ungodly people to act with integrity, honesty, and a genuine desire to honour and obey God. Via this avenue, they are led to compromise, to hurt, to loss, and, ultimately, to disobedience.

Creation is at war. Yahweh has declared a war and placed enmity between the seeds, Jesus Christ and Satan. The ungodly, instead of surrendering and in retaliation, have gone to war to get what they want! What is that? It is explained best in Psalm two. They have gathered against the King and His Anointed in order to throw of His fetters. In other words, they have gathered together in the vain hope that they can destroy within themselves the knowledge of the One True God. They seek to deface creation and thereby remove every trace of God and His Christ. It is for this and this alone that the world wars. It is what they want and it is this for which they fight.

The Christian calling and obligation is to go to war to protect what we have. In the greatest extent, we fight to keep the knowledge of God, of His Christ, of His salvation, and of His absolute right as Sovereign to rule this creation by His Law-Word. In a lesser extent, these things will take on common cultural forms. We fight for marriage; Christian education; truth in knowledge; absolute as opposed to relative law; for ethics, morals, right and wrong; for a bias to God; for freedom; for the right to life and peace; for the death of tyranny; for justice; the right to worship the One True God; the right for God to be heard and obeyed in the public square; and a myriad of things beside.

The world has gone to war to get what it wants. Brethren, are you prepared to go to war to protect what you have?

(Please note that the term world is predominately used in the sense of “an ethical force that opposes God.” Where it is used in this manner, the term world appears in italics.)

 See: The Essence of War: Part 2

Marriage is Life!

There is little doubt that, in Australia today, we are experiencing a clash of worldviews. Over the last decades, the Secular Humanist attack upon Biblical Christianity has gathered pace. However, in 2012, Secular Humanism is presenting a challenge to this nation such as never before. The attack is of such intrinsic importance that both Christian and Secularist alike must be made fully aware of its implications.

Christianity, both as a belief and a worldview, has been systematically attacked in this country for at least fifty years. In that time, attacks have been mainly focused against the application of Biblical law. Examples of this may be seen in the erosion of (traditional) marriage. The concept of both “de facto” relationships and divorce were popularised and de-stigmatised. By stealth, therefore, marriage was undermined. Its significance and importance was devalued. Marriage was relegated to the status of a cultural relic from the bygone age of “religion” and non-enlightenment. With the devaluation of marriage, came the subsequent depreciation of the family. Families were no longer the building block of society. They were no longer afforded protection, assistance, and honour.

All of this is attributable to Humanism’s attack on the application of Biblical law. Of course, all of this stems directly from the fact that the Secular Humanist has denied the existence and importance of the Bible’s God (Psalm 14:1). With God removed, the Secularist believes himself free to set about making this world after his own laws. Consequently, the Secular Humanist has sought to erode any law that was explicitly based in Scripture. Well, not quite. He has eroded any law that means he must restrain himself as far as carnal appetite and pleasure are concerned. He is rather keen to keep the laws regarding murder and theft as he wants to live long enough to enjoy his greed and hedonism.

The question for us all is, ‘What is next?’ What is Humanism about to redefine after its own making? The answer is already before our eyes. 2012 has seen several bills introduced to parliament with the express purpose of changing the definition of the Marriage Act so as to allow for homosexual marriage. The thing that must be impressed upon all, at this point, is that this is an escalation in the war. No longer are the Humanists simply attacking the peripheries in the application of Biblical law, they are insisting on nothing less than a redefinition of man. This battle is not about the institution of marriage as a standalone item. No. This battle is about marriage as an essential part of Man, his definition, and his purpose. At heart, it is an argument regarding Man and Marriage as life.

When Christians argue against homosexuality, they typically turn to texts such as Leviticus 18:22, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination” or Romans 1:26-27. These are good texts. They teach us much. Yet we must press to the crux of the matter, if we are to argue the best case in our day.

The question that must be asked is, “Why is homosexuality and homosexual marriage Biblically wrong?” To answer this, we must return to the book of Genesis and to the Cultural Mandate (Genesis 1:26-28). There we find the incontrovertible evidence. The Cultural Mandate reads: Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  And God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

In this text there are some fundamentals that simply cannot be ignored. First, let us start with the simple but important fact that Man is made in the image of God. Of priority, we must grasp and understand that God made Man. God Almighty, in Trinity, determined to create and Man was part of that creation. Man is not, therefore, a creature from the black swamp that one day “got smart” and decided to crawl out of the primordial slime and make something of himself. Man is not the Mk 4 in monkey design – as though each new version of monkey could self-assess and rationalise what further improvements would be beneficial and then will those changes into being as the next model. Man is not chaos, chance, randomness, coincidence, or accident. He is not a cosmic virus virulent upon the earth as some type of intergalactic plague – with the earth hoping for vaccine! Man is not the meaningless, unknowing, unintelligible, transient dream of the existentialist! Man is the product of nothing less than the perceptive, absolute, unmistaken, determinative will of Almighty God. No mistake. No design flaws. No errors. Made in fullness! Made in perfection! Man, made as God intended him. Man, endued and imbued with every power, grace, gift, talent, ability, faculty, facility, and function that God intended him to possess. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Second, we note that there is “Deflation” and “Inflation”! A) – Deflation: Man is not God! He is like unto God, but he is not God. Hence, man is not a demiurge or demigod; We are not god’s trapped in mortal wrappings; We are not, as Jesus, partakers of the Divine nature. No. We are human. Our nature is human. Yet, our human nature is God like. B) – Inflation: We are more than animals. Man is not just the best of animalia. Man stands above the animals. He stands above the creation. He is God’s vice-regent over creation.  Thus, we understand that Man is elevated above creation, but we must also see that the elevator does not travel all the way to God’s throne. We are shown the magnificence of Man, but also his limitations.

Third, and this point must hit home, God’s Man was created in plurality! Man is made in God’s Image and he is made male and female. Like a coin, Man was made with two sides. Both image bearers. Both endued with God’s gifts, talents, and purposes. When the two are brought together in the marriage covenant, the whole becomes far greater than the sum of its parts. Thus says the Lord God (Genesis 2:24)!

This point must be understood, for it is the essence of any and every rebuttal to all schemes which attack Man and particularly the relationship of man to woman. In Genesis 1:28, God pronounces a blessing upon Man. Part of that blessing is that Man should be fruitful and multiply. God’s Man, made in plurality, covenanted in unity through marriage, can receive this blessing and bring it to fruition.  Humanism’s Man cannot. It does not matter how much semen you pour into a man’s rectal cavity or how many attempts are made to fashion the perfect phallic symbol, Man’s futility can never replicate or replace God’s fertility! The only reason these contemporary perverts claim any right to success is because of modern scientific advances and perverted moral behaviour. God did not need a test tube! God did not need a surrogate womb! God did not need to hatch a foul plan to inebriate some poor unsuspecting; just so the lesbian could steal his seed and claim to be fruitful! No, God made Man male and female. God gave them perfect fertility and bodies designed and equipped to fulfil Man’s assignment within God’s purpose and plan.

Therefore, the homosexual desire for marriage is not simply a desire to change a rule or definition in regard to marriage. Rather, it is a diabolical attempt to redefine Man according to the idols of Humanism. It is an attempt to rebuild Man without any reference to God, which basically means that Man must be smelt and recast. Consequently, it is nothing less than an attempt to destroy Man. In short, it is death.

Marriage, as we have seen, is not a human institution, statist or otherwise. It is not a convention or human cultural tradition. Marriage is the inherent consequence of Man being created male and female in the image of God. Marriage, therefore, is not only bound to Man as male and female, but it is bound up in the essential nature of Man as male and female. You cannot remove marriage from Man anymore than you can remove the male and femaleness of Man. Any attempt in that direction ends in the destruction and death of Man. Therefore, homosexual marriage must be repudiated as a travesty.

God made Man in His image. God made Man in plurality as male and female. God blessed Man in his plurality. All this meant that Man could come together in the union of male and female and bring forth life. God’s design had included every aspect necessary mentally, physically, and spiritually. God also gave to Man marriage; the covenant bond in which plurality became unity. Here, two halves met as rain meets a parched land. The result was an explosion of life, effervescent and vibrant. Life as God intended.

Therefore, marriage is life! That is, one man and one woman in covenant union before God. Marriage is life!