The Essence of War: Part 1

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question, “What drives a war?”

The answer to this question can be argued from many perspectives. However, when we boil it down to its constituent elements we are left with only two answers. People initiate war to get what they want or people go to war to protect what they have.

As we have noted before, Australia is at war. We are involved in a religious war which, by its very nature, means that we are involved in both an ethical and a cultural war. In short, the essence of what is believed by our society must, by necessary consequence, become the reality of and for our culture. Christians must realise this fundamental point. It is illustrated Biblically by texts such as Matthew 6:21, Proverbs 23:7, and Mark 7:21-23.

These texts, and many beside, point to the fact that what a man believes in heart must be (unless he is overtly hypocritical) and will be lived out in practice. This essentially means that man will live out his one, true, heartfelt principle or motive.

Therefore, when man goes to war “to get what he wants” or “protect what he has” he will be motivated by his one heartfelt principle! Nothing more. Nothing less.

This point is raised for your understanding because it is so absolutely important that you, as a Christian, see the relationship and consequence of this principle when it is engaged by two other foundational principles regarding spiritual warfare. The other two elementary principles in regard to spiritual war are:

1. It is total war! It involves every man, woman, and child on the planet. No exceptions!

2. There are only two sides in this war. In the words of Scripture, “He who is not with Jesus is against Jesus.” (Matthew 12:30)

Christian, do you believe this? We are not talking about simple assent to an idea. We are talking about a visceral belief. Do you believe these two points in your very heart of hearts?

These are pointed questions. However, they are necessary questions. If you do not believe these two points, then you will be delinquent in your duties as a soldier in the army of Jesus Christ. Just as a sloppy soldier who does not pay full attention in “boot camp” compromises both his fellows and the cause on the battlefield; so too the Christian who adopt beliefs that are other than Biblical.

Let’s expand on these two points.

Total War: When we read the Scriptures we are faced with the stark reality that this world is at war and that the war is total – it involves and envelopes everything. God made man and He made him in righteousness (Genesis 1:31). Man was to live upon the earth and rule over it as God’s viceregent. In this manner, God’s righteousness was to be seen in and rule over all of creation. Man, however, had some contrary and egoistical ideas. He thought that a promotion was in order and that it would be good to be “God” and so he rebelled (Genesis 3:1-6). This rebellion brought the negative covenant sanction of death upon man (Genesis 3:14-19). Importantly, it brought death and curse to all of creation.

At that point, creation was plunged into turmoil. It was estranged from its Creator and was therefore cut off from life. This caused great upheaval in that all of creation was confounded by a great conflict. Man wanted to continue in rebellion and so strived at every point to destroy the image of God that he witnessed in himself every day. Man continued in his desire to be “God.” He was even so beguiled by his own abilities that he believed he could build a tower that would reach to the heavens (Genesis 11:1-9). Man’s perpetual rebellion only brought further judgement from God.

We must also grasp that this futility of purpose went beyond man and into the creation itself. The apostle Paul has this to say: “For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now” (Romans 8:19-22).

Into this sea of misery, confusion, and death, God injected Himself in grace and mercy to manifest, institute, and consummate His plan of salvation – a plan to save His creation and a people for Himself. This began with the protoevangelion of Genesis (Genesis 3:15); it continued to the choosing of Abraham and Yahweh’s covenanting with him (Genesis 12:1-3; 17:1-8); and it ultimately finds its fulfillment in the arrival of the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53; Galatians 4:4-7).

What must be underscored at this point is Yahweh’s declaration of war. That is right; Yahweh’s declaration of war! In Genesis 3:15, noted above as the protevangelion, the first declaration of the Gospel, we also witness God’s declaration of war. Yahweh says, “I will put enmity between” the two seeds. Yahweh, in effect, says, “I am establishing war” between the two seeds. God has initiated a war! God has gone to war to get what He wants!

This necessarily leads to the next point:

Two Sides: For far too long, there has been a popular, if unwritten, teaching in the Church which I label as “The theology of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” It basically posits that there are three types of people in this world. A) There are those who are the redeemed of God; B) There are the rebels who continue to fight against God; C) There are the innocents, the neutral, the unconcerned, and the uninvolved. It is time that category “C” was eradicated from our thinking for it is utterly unBiblical. Establishing this third and fictitious group of people has only led the Church into dangerous waters. It has encouraged Christians to “swim between the flags” in supposed safety, all the while ushering the Christian into shark infested waters. The end result of this self-imposed deception is that Christians are devoured or emerge from these tumultuous waters bloodied and bruised. If they survive their ordeal they are often shocked and bewildered and struggle to get a handle on the moment. They are left wondering why these events have happened and what has transpired for such a catastrophe to beset them or their generation.

We asked a very pointed question above. We did so for a reason.  Hopefully, the reason is evident. If not, allow us to explain. The person who truly believes that a) man is motivated by a single heartfelt principle; b) we are in a total war; and c) there are only two sides in this war with no possibility of neutrality, will never be in the position of being caught by surprise. He will never wade into the waters unaware that the sharks are already circling. He will never be left with questions and uncertainties. If he is wounded, he will understand that it is a true battle scar, which is the direct result of his enemy lobbing a grenade or firing a bullet. He will realise that he is not the innocent victim of some misguided prank or of some well-meaning person whose good intentions were exploited in an unforseen way. No! He will realise that he has been the object of a deliberate hostile act.

Equally, because he knows that there is no neutrality, he is awake to the schemes and plans of the enemy. He arms himself (Hebrews 4:12). He puts on armour (Ephesians 6:10-20). He builds defences. He is ready to receive and obey orders. He is willing to surrender all for the cause and his Captain (Hebrews 12:1-3; Revelation 19:11-16). In short, he understands that he has been born in a warzone and that his calling is nothing less than to be a warrior (2 Timothy 2:3-4). Therefore, he prepares for and welcomes the war. He does not run and hide. He does not invent mythical places of peace. He does not allow a self-delusion, in which his enemy becomes a neutral non-combatant, to take hold and diminish his skills in or desire for battle. He will rest only when his King is triumphant and all the King’s enemies have been vanquished. This is his high calling. This is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Christian, do you believe this? Do you see this as your job description and calling? Are you willing to engage in this war to protect what you have?

“What is the relevance of all this?” I hear you ask. It is quite simple. We have made and highlighted three intertwined points. First, man is motivated by the principle he holds at his very core. Second, this world is at war. Third, there are only two sides involved in this war. Combined, this means that every person on this planet is either fighting for Jesus Christ or is fighting against Jesus Christ! There is no other option. As the apostle James says, ‘friendship with the world is hostility toward God’ (4:4). One cannot sit on the fence, precisely because there is no fence upon which to sit!

Put as simply as possible, a man and all men will be governed by only one overarching principle or heart desire. His actions will be motivated either by love for God or by a total hatred of God. There is no third group. There is no third option. This is the Biblical picture and we ignore this fact to our own detriment.

The simple reality for Christianity today is that we have failed, for too long, to understand these points and conduct ourselves accordingly. We have tried to treat the world as though it is little more than a misguide child who throws the odd tantrum, rather than understanding that it is a hostile force that hates us precisely and only because it hates our Christ, Jesus! Do you doubt this! Then listen to Jesus’ words, “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. “If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you (John 15:18-19).”

My friends, I speak stern words. Yet they are stern words spoken in love and of necessity. In the cultural war that rages all around us, Christians often suffer loss, are bewildered, and puzzled, because they have not been taught and convinced of the truth that has been here outlined. Consequently, they often expect ungodly people to act with integrity, honesty, and a genuine desire to honour and obey God. Via this avenue, they are led to compromise, to hurt, to loss, and, ultimately, to disobedience.

Creation is at war. Yahweh has declared a war and placed enmity between the seeds, Jesus Christ and Satan. The ungodly, instead of surrendering and in retaliation, have gone to war to get what they want! What is that? It is explained best in Psalm two. They have gathered against the King and His Anointed in order to throw of His fetters. In other words, they have gathered together in the vain hope that they can destroy within themselves the knowledge of the One True God. They seek to deface creation and thereby remove every trace of God and His Christ. It is for this and this alone that the world wars. It is what they want and it is this for which they fight.

The Christian calling and obligation is to go to war to protect what we have. In the greatest extent, we fight to keep the knowledge of God, of His Christ, of His salvation, and of His absolute right as Sovereign to rule this creation by His Law-Word. In a lesser extent, these things will take on common cultural forms. We fight for marriage; Christian education; truth in knowledge; absolute as opposed to relative law; for ethics, morals, right and wrong; for a bias to God; for freedom; for the right to life and peace; for the death of tyranny; for justice; the right to worship the One True God; the right for God to be heard and obeyed in the public square; and a myriad of things beside.

The world has gone to war to get what it wants. Brethren, are you prepared to go to war to protect what you have?

(Please note that the term world is predominately used in the sense of “an ethical force that opposes God.” Where it is used in this manner, the term world appears in italics.)

 See: The Essence of War: Part 2

7 thoughts on “The Essence of War: Part 1

  1. Dear Murray,

    May I thank you for your commentary & am so grateful for your faithfulness & integrity in preaching God’s whole truth. It is such a refreshment to encounter brothers & sisters not bending the knee to untruths. I actually found out about you from Salt Shakers, wonderful ministry.

    Thankyou Dear Murray….

    1. Dear Thalia, thank you for taking the time to reply. May God be with you as you go to war in the Name of Jesus. May God grant you many victories!

      Kind regards,


  2. YES the Spiritual War is INTENSIFYING – I pray Every day that ALL Christians stand firm ON THE LORD,S TRUTHS FOUND IN HIS WORD – and that WE WILL NOT HIDE OUR LIGHTS under a bushel! and PUT ON , AT ALL TIMES , GOD,S SPIRITUAL ARMOUR and GO FORTH BOLDLY WITH THE VICTORIOUS ONE LEADING US. Thankyou for your GREAT EXPLANATION of truths we all “hold dear” but tis good to BE REFRESHED.
    May God continue to Bless you in your Endeavours For Him.

    1. Thank you Rosemary. Keep up the prayers. It is indeed one of the weapons of our warfare.



  3. Thankyou -at last amongst all the pluralistic attitudes abounding today, especially within the Body of Christ, the Truth shines through! I’m a new christian & have thought along these lines from the beginning of my coming to Christ, & yet not one Christian I have encountered shares these views. I was starting to think there was something wayward about my thinking. Not so! Am walking alone on these matters, & again Thankyou Brother for speaking the Truth…

    1. Dear Nina, Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry that your journey into the wondorous life that is “Christianity” has been marked by pluralism. Sadly, it is part of today’s Church and is encountered far too often.

      Hopefully, this site (see also articles at can be a help to you by providing some guidance, encouragement, and even a shoulder on which to lean. Please be assured that there are in this country, as in the days of Elijah, a number who have not bowed the “knee to Baal”. Be encouraged. Fix your eyes upon Jesus, for He alone will not disappoint.

      May I also commend to you the blogs that appear at These brothers are also seeking to stand against the many manifestations of puralism.

      May God keep you in His Son Jesus.



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