Bulletin Bits

As the name suggests, Bulletin Bits is a resource for church bulletins and newspapers, in Microsoft Word format for easy transposition. The articles here vary in length. You will find short pieces to fill a small spot or some longer works that can be run over weeks or months.
This page is designed as a resource, but a resource with a serious tone. Editors of church bulletins do not, generally, have trouble finding jokes and witty extracts with which to fill their pages. However, finding material to engage the old ‘grey matter’ can be more of a challenge. This is where we hope you will find this page useful.
Our aim here is to carry out our mission in an embryonic form. To this end we seek to apply Biblical truth in a condensed form. Equally, we will take as much space as is needed to articulate the truth accurately. For too long, the quest for brevity has been responsible for pruning the truth. We hope to restore a balance.
These articles are free of charge and maybe used in church bulletins, newspapers, journals and the like on the condition that they remain unchanged and that our name, address, and website appear under the work:
© Reformation Ministries, PO Box 1316, Wangaratta, Victoria, 3676 www.reformationministries.com.au
We would also appreciate a copy for our files or an email or letter informing us of where and when the items were used.
It is our fervent prayer that these works will rebound to God’s glory and that the people of God may be built up and strengthened by them.
It is common today for Christians to shun politics because it is perceived to be dirty or an area unworthy of Christian attention. To hold to this line is tantamount to saying that God has no interest in politics and that the salvific work of Christ is unable to touch politics and politicians. In Christ and Politics Part 1 author, Murray McLeod-Boyle, gives a brief introduction before answering the question, What is Christ’s attitude to Politics? The second part of this series, Christ and Politics Part 2 seeks to answer the question, What is the Christian’s responsibility in the area of Politics? Last of all, Christ and Politics Part 3, asks the Christian to compare the current political scene with various Biblical requirements to see whether or not our politicians are acting in obedience to God.
As we have talked about politics, we are naturally led to ask about leaders in general. The Impact of Leaders seeks to summarise why it is necessary to follow God’s instructions when choosing a leader, particularly in the ecclesiastical realm.
Prayer is a topic with which all Christians are acquainted. However, in the modern day, Christians seem to have lost an interest in and a commitment to prayer. Prayer Part 1 seeks to look at the meaning of prayer and to show that we as Christians are the only ones who can have a real confidence when we pray. Prayer Part 2 attempts to encourage Christians to see that it is through prayer that we gain the ‘power and the passion’ to be all that God would have us be. Prayer Part 3 aims to encourage the Christian to prayer by listing examples from the Bible.
We live in a world of knowledge. Few would question this. The irony is that as our ability to glean information has increased, our ability and our willingness to think has waned. This trend has also effected the Church. Thus, in Applying the Mind, Murray McLeod-Boyle seeks to encourage Christians to return to a diligent study of God’s Word. This we must do as part of our calling.
What is Faith? One cannot move too far in Christian circles without hearing the word ‘faith’ mentioned. The question then, as we have posed it, is, What is faith? Unfortunately, this question is often answered in an existential and subjective manner. Faith then becomes a blind hope. It has no objective conviction. If you look to the world today you see this very thing. People are praised for their faith, yet there is no definition to it. It is not tangible, but it is honoured because a person believes it. Biblical Faith, conceived of rightly, has nothing in common with this belief. The Christian’s faith is a sound belief in the objective, based upon God’s words and acts.