Theology in a Nutshell

Most people consider theology to be a frightening subject. To such, theology is a process completed by professors who work in Ivory Towers. Yet, in reality, most people do theology every day. When you read a text and the say, ‘I believe this means …’ you are doing theology. The essential question is this, will your theology be right or wrong?
We also need to recognise that we live in a day where very few are prepared to open large books and do serious study. The outcome of this has been a shallowing of knowledge in Christian circles. Most now operate their lives on the basis of what ‘feels’ good to them, rather than on what God has commanded in His Word.
In response, we hope to offer a variety of short papers on some important topics. We aim to include Scripture references so that you may open your Bibles and do some old fashioned study. We sincerely hope that by using these papers you may grow in knowledge and understanding, and in your relationship with God. Even if you are not a Christian, we hope that these topics will be succinct enough to give you a better understanding of God’s Word and, by His grace, bring you into a relationship with Him through his Son, Jesus Jusus Christ.
As an aid to study, may we urge you to allow the text to speak. We will not learn if we try and force or twist the Scriptures to meet our point of view. If this is our desire, then there is little point coming to the Bible to ask questions of it. The Bible is capable of standing scrutiny and of being plied for answers. However, our study will be far more fruitful when we have a genuine desire to learn, enquire, and listen.
The Importance of Church Membership
The Covenant of Grace
The Doctrine of Limited Atonement