Storming Fortresses

Storming Fortresses was a monthly newsletter published monthly by Reformation Ministries in the 1990s and 2000s. A selection of articles is listed below.
The Invention of Adolescence, authored by Otto Scott, looks at the way maturity has declined over the years, particularly with regard to adolescents. Mr. Scott notes how, not so long ago, youths would take on great responsibility as a matter of course. Additional comments are supplied by Murray McLeod-Boyle. Those concerned with the modern youth movement will find Mr Scott’s comments of worth. In support of Mr. Scott’s observations, one may direct the enquirer to the movie, Master and Commander. A momentary glimpse at the crew and officers will bear much fruit.
Power Of The Word
John Lofton has in this short piece, The Power of the Word, articulated our need for a return to a sound belief that God’s Word alone is the power unto salvation. Mr. Lofton shows that many are ashamed to take the Word into the public arena for fear of offending the humanists, thereby turning them from the Gospel. The author rightly notes that it is the Gospel they need to hear. Additional comments by Murray McLeod-Boyle.
Euthanasia: A Few Thoughts is a reprint of an article that originally appeared in the FACS REPORT. It was written by Murray McLeod-Boyle at a time when Australia was gripped by this issues. The Northern Territory had legalised this practice and the Federal Government was moving to use its power of veto to repeal this law.
Missing Children
Those concerned with the issue of Children’s Church or Sunday School with find Bruce C. Davis’ article Missing Children of great interest. Mr. Davis demonstrates from the Scriptures that children were required to listen to the Law of the Lord. This article presents a real challenge to the many congregations that send their children from the preached Word to that which is little more than an ecclesiatical colouring competition.
Gun Debate
Our writings have always attempted to be pratical. Primarily, we have attempted to tackle topics which are current. The Gun Debate Revisited is a revision of an article by MurrayMcLeod-Boyle originally published in the FACS REPORT. It retains its original publishing details (Volume and Issue Numbers) but has been re-issued as part of the Storming Fortresses collection. It is hoped that this article will give some Biblical perspectives on this important issue.
How Long
We live in a day dominated by the view that evolution is the only correct way of understanding the beginning and existence of all that we see. How Long …?, is a short articly by Murray McLeod-Boyle which seeks to show that evolution and in particular theistic-evolution (the belief that God created via evolution) are beliefs that do not have any basis. In particular, we examine the idea that the Hebrew word for day only means a ‘long period of time’.
Islam I
Our world is currently gripped by the fear that terrorism may strike at any time and in any place. Terrorism is not necessarily new. Decades ago, Libya attemted to hold the world to ransom in a similar way. What is new this time around is that the underlying belief system that motivates these terrorists has come to the fore. That sytem is Islam. In this article, the first of a three part series, Murray McLeod-Boyle explores the world’s “horror spots” to see who is involved. Islam: Is it a Friendly Religion? Part 1 seeks to examine the claims of the spin doctors that Islam is a peaceful religion that has been hijacked by a few extremists.
Keeping Faith
Reformation Ministries was conceived of as means through which the liberalising tendencies of our present culture may be reversed. Our primary concern is for the Church. God has appointed the Church as His instrument for change. As such, a weak Church means that the flock is open to attack by wolves. Equally, a weak Church translates into a corrupt world where tyranny and slavery will abound. In the three part series Keeping the Faith Part 1 Murray McLeod-Boyle contrasts some modern institutions with Historic Christianity to show that we have indeed shifted belief. Keeping the Faith Part 2; Keeping the Faith Part 3.
We are well used to the ebb and flow of movements and institutions. Our age is a very transient one. Businesses come and go in a blink. In this very thought provoking article, Ian Hodge Ph.D. explores Why the Movement Fails
Political Schizophrenia
Political Schizophrenia: A Word to Shooters is an attempt to make people look beyond the outward expression of a philosophy to the philosophy itself. Murray McLeod-Boyle writes to encourage those bewildered by the governments attempts to disarm them and asks them to look at the real issue. Disarmament of the people is not an accident or just a bad political decision made in reaction to a tragedy. It is the consequence of successive humanistic governments and their philosophy that has brought us to this point. To rectify the situation we must reject the philosophy that give rise to government sponsored theft.
It is fair to say that many Australians are of the opinion that politicians are a necessary evil. We would agree that they are necessary. The question, then, must they also be evil? In this five part series, Murray McLeod-Boyle attempts to put the voter back into control. For too long we have been educated to believe that one vote cannot make a difference and that the choice of our politicians is best left to those better qualified, namely, other politicians. In Of Politics and Politicians Biblical examples are used to illustrate how the wrong candidate can have disastrous consequences for his constituents. The aim is to encourage everyone to be far more active in chosing a candidate. Why should we be afraid to ask a prospective candidate or sitting member what they believe on a particular issue? Equally, we should not refrain from stating the character traits that are important for a candidate to possess. Using Biblical criteria we are better able to choose respectable candidates. Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5.
Writes Ian Hodge Ph.D., “The transfer of FACS to Reformation Ministries, now a couple of years ago, has left some people wondering what happened to Christian Reconstruction and my involvement in the movement.” Therefore, Ian penned Christian Reconstruction Alive and Well on Planet Earth in order to bring people up to date with his involvement in an exciting new venture with Business Reform.
Confused by issues concerning the unity of Scripture? Understandably many are. There are voices which tell us that the Old Testament is no longer relevant or that it is only useful for examples of how others struggled with the ideas of faith and God. Very rarely do we hear of any who genuinely uphold a belief that ALL Scripture is God breathed and useful for training so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. Rev. Steve Schlissel is a master teacher and one who believes in the Scriptures’ unity. In this six part series, All I really Needed to Know I learned in the Old Testament Part 1, Steve shows that the Scriptures speak as one and that any desire to divide them is an attempt to rend God’s revelation. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in the Old Testament Part 2; All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in the New Testament Part 1; All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in the New Testament Part 2; All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in the Bible, Part 1; All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in the Bible, Part 2.
Tribute To Rousas John Rushdoony
It is not often that men in their day can say of another, ‘He was my father in the faith.’ Rousas John Rushdoony was one such man. In his own day he influenced many by firmly stating that there is but one standard; God’s revealed Word. This article, Rousas John Rushdoony: A Tribute, is written by Ian Hodge long time friend and student of Rush’s. Ian was also instrumental in bringing Rush to Australia for the FACS tenth birthday celebration, thereby allowing many others in Australia to hear and meet this great teacher. R.J. Rushdoony has passed into eternity, but it is unlikely that his name and memory will die out quickly. Calvin, in praise of his God, once remarked that ‘Europe is full of my sons’. Similar may be said of Rush.
September 11
On September 11, 2001, the United States of America suffered one of the most horrific acts of modern terrorism when jetliners were hijacked and subsequently crashed into buildings or into the ground. 3000 lives were lost in a matter of hours. In the aftermath there was claim and counter claim. Who was guilty of this crime? Who would pay to assuage American grief? How many freedoms would be surrendered to ensure that such never happened again? From a Christian perspective, many had their faith shaken. Why did God allow this to happen? Could God have not stopped this if He had wanted?
All these questions and more were raised. This led the author of this seven part series, Murray McLeod-Boyle, to set about analysing the resultant situation. In particular, he views the impact upon and callateral damge to Christianity brought by this incident. Of concern was the immediate call for retribution rather than a call to humble introspection. A covenant worldview would have caused people to hold back and ask, Why has the Lord allowed this? Instead we witnessed a self-assured, We are going to get whoever did this! Twin Towers: Symbol of Hypocrisy Part 1 will be a provocative read, but one which will give a different and challenging perspective. Twin Towers 2; Twin Towers 3; Twin Towers 4; Twin Towers 5; Twin Towers 6; Twin Towers 7
WWJD Rhymes with Heresy
Bumper stickers theology and Cliches are an unfortunate influence within Christianity. One such trite influence is the current WWJD philosophy, for want of a better term. WWJD stands for, What Would Jesus Do. Whilst it sounds like a very admirable aspiration the reality is that it falls very short. Simply put, it is very subjective. It should rightly be, WDITJWD—What Do I Think Jesus Would Do? Murray McLeod-Boyle refutes the validity of this acronym. In doing so he looks at how such a belief fails to uphold sound doctrine. WWJD Rhymes with Heresy seeks to uphold a proper Christological view of Jesus the Christ which understands Jesus as Man and God. WWJD Rhymes with Heresy Part 2.