FACS Report

FACS (Foundation for the Advancement of Christian Studies) published the FACS Report from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. Editions from 1992 to 2000 are available below as searchable PDF files – click on the title to download.
January | Christian Ethics in Australian Business Pt 1 | Ian Hodge |
February | Christian Ethics in Australian Business Pt 2 | Ian Hodge |
March | New Testament Evangelism – Acts 17 for Today Pt 1 | Ian Hodge |
April | New Testament Evangelism – Acts 17 for Today Pt 2 | Ian Hodge |
May | New Testament Evangelism – Isaiah 1 for Today | Ian Hodge |
June | Mixed Farming by Covenant Renewal Pt 1 – On Reconstructing Agriculture | Angus R McGillivery |
July | Gideon’s Army | Franklin Sanders |
August | Out of the Frying Pan | Ian Hodge |
September | Celebrations | Ian Hodge |
October | Mixed Farming by Covenant Renewal Pt 2 | Angus R McGillivery |
November | Mixed Farming by Covenant Renewal Pt 3 | Angus R McGillivery |
December | Hollywood’s Poison Factory | Michael Medved |
January | Mixed Farming by Covenant Renewal Pt 4 | Angus R McGillivery |
February | A Reply to Julia – On Christian Meditation and Mysticism | Angus R McGillivery |
March | The Next-to-the-Last Phase of the Revolution has Begun | Gary North |
April | A Reply to Susan – A Missionary Called Home | Angus R McGillivery |
May-June | The New Age of Tyranny – Is This the End of Religious Freedom in Australia | Ian Hodge |
July | Covenant Theology – An Introduction | Stephen Geard |
August | Public Policy and Some Personal Reminiscences | Thomas Sowell |
September | Religious Liberty Revisited | Ian Hodge |
October | Sacred and Secular – Establishing Biblical Standards of Success | Ian Hodge |
November | The Kingship of Christ – The Monarchy-Republic Debate | Ian Hodge |
December | Fools Rush In – Social Credit and the North-South Debate | Ian Hodge |
January | ChokeHold | Ian Hodge |
February | Atheism and Fools | P George Logan |
March | The Church in the Middle Ages | Otto Scott |
April | A Reply to Dr Powell with a Rejoinder | Angus R McGillivery |
May | Hypocrisy in the Church | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
June | An Age of Envy | Ian Hodge |
July | Oaths in Society | Nicholas Aroney |
August | The Church and Humanism | Otto Scott |
September | Re-engineering Management – A Biblical Alternative Pt 1 | Ian Hodge |
October | Re-engineering Management – A Biblical Alternative Pt 2 | Ian Hodge |
November | The Church and Modern Culture | Otto Scott |
December | Re-engineering Management – A Biblical Alternative Pt 3 | Ian Hodge |
January | Should Christians Buy Insurance | Ian Hodge |
February | Modern Fascism – Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview | Gene Edward Veith Jr |
March | Transforming Culture | Don Bell |
April | The Church in the Future Society | Ian Hodge |
May | Foundations of Effective Civil Government | Otto Scott |
June | Nothing Stays the Same | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
July | John Lilburne, The Beast and England in the Late 1630’s | Angus R McGillivery |
August | Worship | John Terpstra |
September | Double Mindedness – Its Cause and Cure | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
October | Does the Church Need a Business Statement | Ian Hodge |
November | How is Your Memory | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
December | Devil with a Blue Dress | Douglas Wilson |
January | Euthanasia – A Few Thoughts | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
February | An Open Letter to PK | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
March | On the Map | John Terpstra |
April | Anti-Intellectualism- The Ultimate Tyranny | Ian Hodge |
May | The Gun Owner’s Arsenal 2 | Ian Hodge |
June | The Gun Debate Revisited 1 | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
July | The Gun Debate Revisited 2 | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
August | Ministry in Ukraine – Daniel and Prescilla Gollan | Daniel Gollan |
September | Under What Authority | Howard Phillips |
October | Reformation or Decline – or Where are the Protesting Protestants | Ian Hodge |
November | When the Going Gets Tough the Govt Runs to Mum | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
December | The Ass or the Serpent – A Comparison Between the Tribes of Issachar and Dan | Thomas Bradbury |
January | Of Polished Brass and Sinking Ships | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
February | Religious Results | Ian Hodge |
March | The Pastor in the Modern World | R J Rushdoony |
April | When Gay Means Hurting | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
May | The Early Church | R J Rushdoony |
June | The State’s Role in Reformation | Gary Milne |
July | The Reformation Church | R J Rushdoony |
August | Gold in the Hills | Ian Hodge |
September | Is There A Doctor in the House | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
October | The New Reformation Church | R J Rushdoony |
November | The Next Generation | Ian Hodge |
December | Govt Assault on Relig Liberty Must Be Halted | Howard Phillips |
January | Education and Treason | Ian Hodge |
February | Twenty-Five Theses For A Twenty-First Century Reformation | Francis Nigel Lee |
March | Whatever Happened to Scripture or Indiana Jones Meets Cornelius Van Til | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
April | State of Affairs | Ian Hodge |
May | Whatever Happened to Justice | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
June | America | Ian Hodge |
July | Life on Mars – A Theological Response | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
August | The Clock Is Ticking | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
September | The Expansion of the Sovereign State | Ian Hodge |
October | Pastoral Training Pt 1 – The Deficient Seminary | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
November | Pastoral Training Pt 2 – Seminary or Apprenticeship | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
December | Love and Justice in the Atonement | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
January | Rev Dr David Mitchell on the Constitution | David Mitchell |
February | Rev Dr David Mitchell on Education | David Mitchell |
March | The Politics and Economics of Grace | Ian Hodge |
April | Dead Men Walking | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
May | Perfectionism and Bubble Theology | Ian Hodge |
June | The Tale of Two Sons – An Exploration of Matt 4 | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
July | Australia – Christian or Occult | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
August | Choices at the Forks | Derek Carlsen |
September | Why Do They Pray | Franklin Sanders |
October | Stupid Things | Ian Hodge |
November | Knights of the Old Code | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
December | Babel in Cape Town -The Parliament of World’s Religions | Robert R Zins Jr |
January | Books | Ian Hodge |
February | Of Evangelicalism and Antinomian Tendencies | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
March | Hindrances to Reform | Ian Hodge |
April | Ashamed of the Gospel – A Critique | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
May | Sexual Liberation | Ian Hodge |
June | Veggie Tales = Veggie Theology | Murray McLeod-Boyle |
July | Feminizing the Church | Ian Hodge |
August | The Family | Ian Hodge |