Adam Goodes IS an ape!

Adam Goodes is an ape! Yes, you heard right. Adam Goodes is an ape! Now that I have your attention, maybe we can discuss the statement sanely and rationally?

The media is abuzz. The verbiage of a 13 year old child has thrown both the AFL and the media into an absolute frenzy. There are headlines about “racial vilification”, there is blame being pointed at parents. Football club presidents are disavowing words made by people wearing their team’s colours.

With all the evil present in the world, one would think that the media might have more to say on truly important issues, but apparently not! Why? Because the media live for a story; particularly the political hot potato!

So let us analyse this story.

During the Collingwood v Sydney Swans match, a 13 year old child called Adam Goodes an ape. Adam stopped and pointed her out to security and she was ejected from the ground.

So let’s cut to the chase. Why is calling Adam Goodes an “ape” racial vilification? Why is calling Adam Goodes an ape a racial slur? I am white. I have been called a “big ape” previously in my life – and not as a term of endearment. So, pray tell, what makes this innocuous word a racial slur or racial vilification?

Then comes the hypocrisy. This girl and her parents are vilified as being first rate bogans before anyone had bothered to really understand what had happened. That’s right; the self-righteous media once again appointed itself judge, jury, and executioner of this girl and her family. Statements like “what about the parents” or “it’s not her fault she is only doing what she was taught” filled the airwaves before the true facts were known. Self-righteous hypocrites the media. In the words of Hinch, Shame, Shame, Shame!

Okay, same game. Murray McLeod-Boyle is on the boundary and is called an ape. He points out the same lass for calling him the same thing. What happens next? What does the media say now?

I am guessing the girl would not be ejected. I am guessing the media would tell me to ‘get over myself’ and ‘stop being so prissy’. Someone would tell me to “grow a pair” and “man up”.

Now, before you get all bent out of shape, ask yourself this question: How many other people at that game were ejected for yelling something at a player or an official? How many umpires had their eyesight questioned? How many umpires had the legitimacy of their parentage questioned? How many other people yelled out something that could have been construed as derogatory and yet were not pointed out by a player and consequently ejected? Then for the curly question: How many other players had this young lass labelled in some manner before this incident?

I can well understand Adam’s dislike at the appellation given to him by this lass. However, I see no racism or racial vilification in it. Thus, I am left wondering if Adam’s emotions did not contribute to this whole saga in a negative way. Did he overreact? Did Adam allow the emotion of “Indigenous Round” to colour his feelings erroneously? Had Adam taken a little longer to process the situation, would he have arrived at the same conclusion?

Now, let’s be really provocative. I am a Christian. I am constantly vilified. My love of Christ is dragged through the mud daily. I am subjected to hearing the name of the One I love used as a by word. My beliefs are constantly and systematically ridiculed by the popular media.

Let us look at one example. As a Christian, I believe that this world was created by and Absolute Sovereign, all knowing, all powerful, God. This position is ridiculed by the popular media. Instead, they insist that I believe that the world occurred through random chance, chaos, and a process which is now termed as Evolution.

So, to the self-righteous, self-preening, self-promoting, egoistical media, I say, Hypocrite! Your lies, false accusations, and blatant inconsistency are all damnable. During this game, there was not one ape, Adam Goodes, on the field. There were in fact 36! Yes; 36!!! Then there were a few dressed as umpires, coaches, and substitutes. Most of all, there were several thousand apes in the stands barracking and cheering. So says the theory of evolution!

So, then, where is the problem? This girl has been vilified for stating an evolutionary fact. This girl committed no crime. In fact, her language would equate to a Christian shouting at another person with the hugely insulting term “human”. Such harsh words.

According to evolution, Adam Goodes, everyone at that game, every other man, woman, and child on the planet is indeed an ape or at the very least, a monkey’s uncle. So where is the problem?

What we witnessed shows that there is indeed a great problem in our society. However, it has little to do with this girl or her parents. It has to do with the fact that, as a culture, we have rejected God and His standards. In place of this we have attempted to institute another religion. In this case, Evolution. The problem is that we simply cannot live in a consistent manner with this new worldview. As stated, Evolution tells us we are animals. Man is not set apart from the animals in anyway. He is just a more evolved version. So, what did this girl do wrong? Why is she vilified for stating what she has been taught by the governmental school system, media, etcetera?

Equally, having come from random events and random chance, there can be no absolutes – Evolution, Postmodernism – so there cannot be any such thing as right or wrong. Tell me again, what did this girl do …? No, you cannot use “wrong”. If there is no wrong, then there is no transgression. Please explain to me why she and her family were persecuted?

Enough said, I think you get the point. Evolution is taught readily. Evolution is believed readily. Yet, when we are confronted with the obvious effects of this dogma, we feel shame and we react – even to the point of vilifying a 13 year old child.

How proud all the media experts and commentators must feel. I mean to say, it must take a lot to subdue the antics of a 13 year old child whose only crime was to let a word fall from her lips. “Man up!”, media personnel. Answer truthfully. Have you said worse than this little girl? Have you thought worse than this child? Have you ever let foul language slip past your lips? Have you ever directed invectives at another person? Of course you have. In fact you will have reported on more debauched acts by our very own politician. You hypocrites!

The reason that this whole saga became a media circus was precisely because those doing the reporting were in fact apes with monkey’s for uncles.

Addendum: I would also add a personal word to Adam. You are respected as a player. You carry an obvious burden for your people. These things are admirable. Yet, as an enthusiast of the game, I have witnessed your on-field antics, at times. Thus, I would urge you, Adam, to listen to the old adage: When you point a figure at someone else, you point three at yourself. It is easy to appear in the media and tell of how you were affronted. Not so easy to lead by example.

6 thoughts on “Adam Goodes IS an ape!

  1. Greetings!

    Joy Lewis, CS Lewis wife, penned the expression, “pass the pedanticide”, yep I reckon we’re seeing a whole lot of that going on, I’m precious, I’m pedantic & I’m very important. Talk about my individual will will be done….even when it’s wrong…

    Thanks as always…..


    Nina Hirsch.

    1. Hello Nina,

      Yes, it is true. I guess the simple reality is that when we throw God overboard, we no longer have a true compass to guide and the self-centredness of man comes to the fore.

      I may not have expressed it adequately in the article, but I still find it interesting and informative that the actions of a child were thoroughly examined, criticised, critiqued, and condemned, yet the actions of the “man” were not!

      Paul states that he “left” childish things behind upon becoming a man. What we witnessed on this occasion resembled a man revisiting his childhood — finger pointing and all!

      Indeed, as you note, someone that night thought they were “very precious” and that for all the wrong reasons.

      Thanks for contributing, Nina.



  2. Thank you for your article. I do believe that you have struck at the heart of the whole event and done so very effectively. The casting aside of the Historic Christian Faith, with its absolutes and consequent certainties, has, I believe created a spiritual empty-ness in the soul. I believe the teaching of evolution over the last fifty years or so, is now beginning to bear its fruits in church, state, and society at large Just a few thoughts. Thankyou again.

    1. Hello Vivian,

      Thank you for your comments. Yes, indeed, it seems to be the one lesson we are slow to grasp — Ideas have Consequences!! When, as a culture, we reject God and remove Him as the foundation, the void does not remain empty. We will fill it with something new. That new thing, whatever it be, will have consequences for our lives as the practical ramifications of its dictates are unfolded.

      Thus, you have hit the nail on the head. I sincerely pray that many more people will begin to see this truth.

      Thank you for stopping by.



  3. Good one , I especially like the fact that being the indigenous round his point of view may have been “colored” -pardon the pun !!
    Well said!

    1. Greetings Alan,

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

      Yes, it seems to me that, “puns” aside, your observation has merit. If in an effort to highlight one evil we pursue that agenda erroneously or too vigorously, we will usually end up instigating another evil.

      I am reminded of McCarthyism and the “Red under every bed!” type philosophy. Warnings are acceptable. Paranoia only leads to debilitation and false accusations.

      Asyou rightly observe, we must wonder whether the effort and emotion directed to highlight one problem has not in fact led to a false accusation.

      Thank you again.



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